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A Wolf Pack Affair

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Anonymous (not verified)
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weird to have a character named fucking Leeta 

like I can get the other sonic names, but I don't get this, because the rest of them are based on attributes, (knuckles, tails, shadow, blaze, big etc)  or just simply people names (Amy, cream etc) 

but how is it possible that the Dragon Ball ass name "leeta" is beyond stupidity because it doesn't match any naming structure. It's just some stupid Ken Penders sounding made up name - goomba eggtart

Anonymous (not verified)
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When the incest is actually good 
Anonymous (not verified)
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no- Jonathan Schlatt

William Blazkowicz's picture
Joined: 27/01/2022

This was not what I was looking for

Anonymous (not verified)
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Yeetilee deer bitches  
Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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sonic high
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

could be better


Anonymous (not verified)
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Its shit

Anonymous (not verified)
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Stfu prick
Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

its shit

Anonymous (not verified)
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No you