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Hold up did I miss a chapter????
'The degeneracy of the hamlet is nothing, I fear, when compared to the comics on this site'
Hell yeas Darkest Dungeon reference on page 3!
i bet they're siblings, knowing this guy
They are, this is like a whole series that's been going up for YEARS
Right, not like it doesn't say "7" or nothing
How could've you known? We should start counting how many of his comics DON'T include incest.
Yes they are, look at the other parts kekw
Hold your tongue demon
okay but that is actually kinda wholesome - a degen with the most shameful kinks ever
They did not have to skip time that hard, also why did chap 6 have no color? Is it to give the sense that it's serious?
Bro this that Alabama stuff fr fr
i know. this shit has no right to be this good
I do not like where this is headed.
i agree with him