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Day Dreaming

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The_Beheaded (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Chicken Tenders



Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture


Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
We need a Kim Possible gangbang comic
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Yes thank you geez

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
No just no
The Universe's picture
Joined: 17/12/2019

That comic reference at the beginning was really cool! 

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
So he's daydreaming of having sex with Kim... Instead of having sex with Kim? 
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
this is what porn does to us
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
2xW's picture
Joined: 15/05/2020

No one cares about "who was first" comments. Let's see how does comic looks like. Hope it's fine. Will comment my opinion below :3


Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
2xW's picture
Joined: 15/05/2020

Comic is.... Pretty good. 5/10 imo. Good sides: 60 pages, a lot of girls. Art style that looks like original cartoon (kinda. But it's good). Big boobs, nice art overall. Bad sides: every page have diferent size. Most od sex scenes are only imaginatuons, there is small amount of sex (imo ofc). And we have a guy that beat his meat. Smth that 80% of our community can see at mirror every day. Also dick bigger than his head. 

Have a nice day :333

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
I'm just glad to be in the comments 
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
Hey fellow people 
Seekster's picture
Joined: 04/05/2021

third registered account to comment

CaesarAugustus's picture
Joined: 13/01/2021

Second Registered account 

i have devolved so far i only come here to comment on weird comics might be an uptier probably

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
still need a little help with the ice cream? 
Dayland's picture
Joined: 22/11/2017

first registered account to comment

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
Second Comment
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
I'm second
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
First comment