Page 7 has a speling flaw its mising a THE. It says "is most delicious thing instead" of "Is THE most delicious thing" BUT is should not be changed due to it trigering some people P.S. I indeed have no resoect towards the English language so i dont care about the mistake
There's so many more mistakes on this message, you said speling instead of spelling, mising instead of missing, instead is inside the quotes, you said is instead of it, trigering instead of triggering, resoect instead of respect
P. S. I know it's to piss people off but fuck you anyways
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what the fuck
Tu bac vo nam noi lien nam tay
How are flowey and asriel in the same room? asriel becomes flowey?
Because it’s a porn comic
Why flowey look so proud of him lol
Flowey looks traumatized on page 10
Page 7 has a speling flaw its mising a THE. It says "is most delicious thing instead" of "Is THE most delicious thing" BUT is should not be changed due to it trigering some people P.S. I indeed have no resoect towards the English language so i dont care about the mistake
you want to fix spelling mistakes when your own grammar is messed up
She has a cock in her mouth so she can't talk straight
There's so many more mistakes on this message, you said speling instead of spelling, mising instead of missing, instead is inside the quotes, you said is instead of it, trigering instead of triggering, resoect instead of respect
P. S. I know it's to piss people off but fuck you anyways
Son was winning
For real
Darky is trying to move on to more sfw stuff but the past keeps haunting them
sữa chua của em
Why is there flowey?!?!?!?!?!?
Hi flowey?????
incest but not incest because they aren't related