Translations: 简体中文Русский Author: EbluberrySection: League of LegendsSwitch to alternative gallery Characters: Jinx LoLTeemoTags: AnalCreampieCum ShotsFurryStockingsStraightX-RayUser tags: Death because of snu snu Select ratingGive Jinx and Teemo 1/5Give Jinx and Teemo 2/5Give Jinx and Teemo 3/5Give Jinx and Teemo 4/5Give Jinx and Teemo 5/5 Average: 4.3 (657 votes) 855567 views Suggest tag Suggest description
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Welcome to the LEAGUE OF DRAVEEEEEN!!!!!
so he "poisons" her with a horny dart fucks her then she loses control and fucks him till he dies..
this seems like the best way for a man to die so sign me up
Never judge a book by its cover, or else you're never going to find true love.
damn as a teemo main this is intresting to say the least
Do me next jinx
How do I support this artist??
After this event occured teemo was never too be seen again
every day we stray further from god...
Jokes on you he never existed
I love how teemo keeps saying shit
More than meets the eye
i can smell a yordle !
But Teemo isn't a furry, he is a yordle......
This seems like animal abuse...