This has me divided. On one side you have a beautifully crafted, several hundred pages long, masterpiece. And the other you have futa incest League of Legends.
When the first comic came out arcane wasn't a thing, therefore it wasnt incest. Therefore its like a separate universe thingy since it wasnt even mentioned.
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Why'd they give her a daughter if she's not going to fuck her?
Bottom 3 sentences oat
Thee Saint of T(0)ddlers at his finest.

Do nada mudou pra português kkkkkkk
é foda viu
How I missed this comic
Oh man, best comic on this site has a sequel?! Hell yeah. Cant wait for more
lowkey they gotta get lily involved
That's what I'm saying!
What the fuck is wrong with you?
u r an idiar
Ok the first one makes sense, arcane didn't exist. What's their excuse now???
As the ancient one said this is now.a separate timeline where they fuck and had a daughter
This has me divided. On one side you have a beautifully crafted, several hundred pages long, masterpiece. And the other you have futa incest League of Legends.
I'll take that 'futa incest League of Legends" than ye piss excuse of a so called pff 'masterpiece" bloody wankers.
We need more S.Expedition
When the first comic came out arcane wasn't a thing, therefore it wasnt incest. Therefore its like a separate universe thingy since it wasnt even mentioned.
It wasn't incest in part 1 since we didn't know that they were sister's. But ye after arcane its a bit weird now that i remembered that
May I inquire why the game receive such distaste?
Very toxic community and tends to be a game closely associated with the player base needing to go outside and touch grass
Oh, I see... Bless you, Sir Drip Man.
Princess hime? You're back?!
Greetings Subject!
What? did you leave or something?
No problem. I wouldn't go near that game even I was paid to.
Meh, S.Expedition is way better. But you do you, I guess.