I dont think you know what a centrist is buddy. Centrist is a description of set ideologies near the center of the political compass, its not an ideology in and of itself. Democratic socialists and welfare state liberals are both centrists and also different set ideologies.
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i wish there were more pages
Quốc ca Nghệ An
fuck this look at what i drew half drunk
Sometimes just having giant boobs doesn't make a good comic
Numbuh muthafuckin 1
Offmodel dogshit
Why the fuck are half of the comments under a porn comment about politics
Existence is pain
Fr fr
Do numbuh 1 x numbuh 4 porno comic please
Ok , I wanna draw like you. It may take time but I wanna learn how to draw. Plus keep up the good work.
Well, I'm confused
what the fuck is my pilot searching here
Don't Be A Centrist.
Be An Intellectual.
Don't Hover Around Philosophies That Allow You To Be Comfortable.
Be An Individual.
Don't Feed Into Pre-established narratives.
Look For A Better Future.
Good Call,
I Got Caught Lacking.
So It's On Some Globalism B.S, But On A Shorter Scale?
Find An Ideology That Is Genuinely Productive, And Look For Ways To Improve And Optimize It.
Why the fuck is y'all talking about American politics the artist is from South America