gotta say, this is funny, the plot line is nothing to write home about, but is legit AND it functions, the art style is pertty good too and the scenes are OK
For the story i rate 7/10 ~ again, nothing spetacular, but its good and gets you interessed enough
for the art style i will have to give it a 8,5/10 ~ its very beautyful to look at, and it really matches the silly and fun story beeing told
FOR MY OVERALL RATING I SHALL GIVE 9/10 ~ all the elements blend together making a very harmoninc story that is really fun to read.
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I know I missed a lotta shit but what the fuck is a Lora? Fake Dora? What the fuck am I missin?
i think she's meant to be a sketchy parody of dora with D'n'D elements and a few videogame stuff
It took me three minutes ta realize that "Lora" is fuckin "Lara Croft" and "Dora" put together. I must be fuckin stupid...
She still hot tho no lie but shes also pretty stupid!
well well well, you figured that out....
also... dont tell me a person doesn't get like 10 times more fuckable when they are almost retarded, cause they DO
"Dumb girl tricked into having sex" is one of my favorite porn comic premises.
Its less retarded and more about innocence for some people
Im a freak tho! I like bad girls, demon girls and girls with experience! I am Deadpool tho
im with this mother trucker
Xp, like from other games?
xp is short of exp and exp is short for experiance points
experience points*
Better than i expected
Goddamn-I mean uhhexcuse me
gotta say, this is funny, the plot line is nothing to write home about, but is legit AND it functions, the art style is pertty good too and the scenes are OK
For the story i rate 7/10 ~ again, nothing spetacular, but its good and gets you interessed enough
for the art style i will have to give it a 8,5/10 ~ its very beautyful to look at, and it really matches the silly and fun story beeing told
FOR MY OVERALL RATING I SHALL GIVE 9/10 ~ all the elements blend together making a very harmoninc story that is really fun to read.
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No fucking way, she's back!
The things listed on the paper on page 3 is Breath of the Wild side quests
swipers built like a fkn tank lmao
this is great but i dont like the green color pallete
What a waste of great art style :O
This comment was brought to you by Metal Pipe Productions
thank you, i rate your comment 8/10
its funny
I approve.
- MultPorn mod
8/10 thus so far
Page 16 is that swiper?!
i agree with the killer animitronics for this one
We put aside our differences to also agree