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Minotaurs VS Dwarves

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The_Beheaded (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

as it is Fred, it automatically deserves a 10/10. that is all.

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture


Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

This comic is canon

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

This is the best fucking comments section I've ever seen.

TheMinecraftSteve's picture
Joined: 16/03/2021

Great mining skills 

Ilovehelluvaboss's picture
Joined: 01/04/2022

I like this

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
this isnt minecraft :(
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Always been.

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
I never noticed she had a beard before. Dwarf I guess. 
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
It's actually just how she has her hair braded
Security Guard's picture
Joined: 01/08/2021

Do I even need to explain why Fred's name is a well deserved and permanent feature in my personal collection? No. No I fucking don't. 10/10.

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
Where's that bear you owe me?
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

He's got it around here somewhere.

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
I'd straight up read a whole series of this lmao. Perry's comics have witty jokes that make reading them quite enjoyable. 
Agent Johnson's picture
Joined: 20/03/2020

Good stuff 9/10. Once again pog comic Fred.

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
Fr, this is kinda trash lmfao (also imma female don't judge)  
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture

Damn, talk trash about Fred's art, you getting hated on

Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
nobody gives a fuck if your girl
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
Oi cunt, what's it matter if ya have a cunt eh? We dont care if ya got lady bits or not. We care about your horrible taste.
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
I'm female and this is fucking hot, ngl. Why even bring up what you are as if that's got any relevance at all to your trash opinion?
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
We care NOT of the genitals in your pants! Only the malice in your heart.
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
bitch stfu  your saying just bc ur female i should not judge? dumbass this is porn site if you have tell me your name, kotow 100 time, slap yourself, and lick my shoe, then i may leave corpse intact
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
You say you're a girl after you state your unpopular opinion, as if the fact that you're female is supposed to protect your opinion from criticism. That could not be further from the truth. This is a great, albeit short comic, and you have poor taste.
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
what does being female have to do with being rude?
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
bitch, stfu go back to being a slut with the 5 men you fuck
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
You aren't a female  supposed person who said their a female. Transgender woman aren't females. If you really are a female SHOW ME TITS ASS AND PUSSY THEN ILL BELIEVE YOU :-)!!
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
Fuck you transphobe piece of shit, nobody needs assholes like you in this world, it's shitty enough without you
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
anyone can do what they want with their body's but i prefer "real" woman and i guess that makes me a transphobe huh? because to most of a certain group of people my personal preference apparently makes me a transphobe.
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
Hey I think this was just a shitty joke on a weird ass porn site.
Anonymous (not verified)
The_Beheaded's picture
You are not a good person, also what made you assume that they were trans?
