Oh ya lil weasels that say it's a bad art style what can you draw you overgrown midgets, ya sad potatoes not even good for throwing at people, you disgust me
Good comic, art is OK, the translation is meh but I really like the concept of the story, I'd love to see her try anal or give linc a blow job, really wish those will be put into the story
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He is 11
Short for an 11 year old
Oh ya lil weasels that say it's a bad art style what can you draw you overgrown midgets, ya sad potatoes not even good for throwing at people, you disgust me
Are you scottish
I'm Scottish mate, he's mostlikely just an American.
Hell Yeah good hentai Angel (7)
Wow that's a shit artstyle
Oh shut up ya weasel lil prick, you can't draw for shit ya overgrown midget
and you cant roast for shit you fucking greasy ass keyboard sounding bitch ass fucking mlady looking cunt
Dude you cant win an argument with them their scottish also fuck you can you do better mother fucker
Would've been better and fappable if it had it's own artstyle and better anatomy.
Mano muie
Fin ? C fr
Was that a Jojo reference?
Yes, yes, yes, YES
Always has been.
I love how many memes are included in a porn site... Bruh
I love it
That's incredible
I hope this gets continiued
Go watch old people falling off off boats if you hate this.
Good comic, art is OK, the translation is meh but I really like the concept of the story, I'd love to see her try anal or give linc a blow job, really wish those will be put into the story
Are you winning son
yes dad
YES SIR....but first I have to finish yanking my sausage
This was a really sweet comic i hope more is made
Same here