We don't need this spin off lovin' sis! This is worse than the time demo woke me up thru yelling because scout was looking at underage boys having sex and masturbating over it.
God I’m sorry but if watching porn is a sin then why did you give guys urges that force us to watch it, or just to masturbate in general? If your gonna make it a sin, don’t also make it a core human function that we all have to do to release built up sperm. If god is really gonna be like that, then god go away cause I’m a Christian and cannot speak bad about god, just questioning some stupid decisions by him, like makeing an action that our body is forced to do a sin
Well, the release of sperms is not the sin. But, the lusting is. And you might say, as you said above, "Why would He make it a sin, if it is a normal human thing?". Many things are a normal thing for us humans, but that does not make it okay. So, this is something that you need to over come, so that you can make your connection with God better. And by the way, it was not stupid, everything he does is intentionally planned. This plan is above our understanding, so what is the point in asking, just watch.
Also, her comment about being a sinner is true about everyone in the Christian religion. Nothing you can do can change the fact you're a filthy sinner.
And if the only fix is believing in God, then you can do whatever in this life and it doesn't matter as long as you repent in the end.
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Why is his gun empty?
he's in the middle of firing a shot
The bible is more of a guide line than an actual rule.
based and hot
We don't need this spin off lovin' sis! This is worse than the time demo woke me up thru yelling because scout was looking at underage boys having sex and masturbating over it.
What's with the Pokémon reference?
What reference?
This is amazing
Deus Vult
Deu... go fuck yourself
I need more of these three
God I’m sorry but if watching porn is a sin then why did you give guys urges that force us to watch it, or just to masturbate in general? If your gonna make it a sin, don’t also make it a core human function that we all have to do to release built up sperm. If god is really gonna be like that, then god go away cause I’m a Christian and cannot speak bad about god, just questioning some stupid decisions by him, like makeing an action that our body is forced to do a sin
Well, the release of sperms is not the sin. But, the lusting is. And you might say, as you said above, "Why would He make it a sin, if it is a normal human thing?". Many things are a normal thing for us humans, but that does not make it okay. So, this is something that you need to over come, so that you can make your connection with God better. And by the way, it was not stupid, everything he does is intentionally planned. This plan is above our understanding, so what is the point in asking, just watch.
You don't have to be Christian if you don't want to. Speak bad about God if that's what you really want.
God is dead and we killed him
actually we cant kill something that didnt exist/we created to controll other people
You can if you try hard enough
Y'all need jesus
nah, you just need to wake up.
Not in my Christian website
If it's a sin then pry and forgive and you'll won't go to hell
Porn isn't a sin.
If it's that much of a sin, why does she take off her shirt in the first place?
(Same person)
Also, her comment about being a sinner is true about everyone in the Christian religion. Nothing you can do can change the fact you're a filthy sinner.
And if the only fix is believing in God, then you can do whatever in this life and it doesn't matter as long as you repent in the end.
This is fucking disgusting
Plz more comics of this kind.