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Rule Lust And Cringe



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Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Shit it was the other way around..

Mafia Consigliere's picture
Joined: 11/10/2022

Rapey male power fantasy + furry self-insert +shamelessly ripping off that one furry game (The Book of Lust)? Hell nah, I'd need 3 spare livers and 2  beer buckets be able to sift through all this cringe.

This is up there with Nope Nope Nurses in terms of porn cringe. 

Radiance's picture
Joined: 09/03/2024

YARN | Never ever mention that name in my presence. | The Lion King (1994)  | Video clips by quotes | bb3ef324 | 紗

Mafia Consigliere's picture
Joined: 11/10/2022

Not sure if you're talking about the first game or second, but if it's the second you have my regards for also peeking into the nightmare. o7

Radiance's picture
Joined: 09/03/2024

the second... it scares me

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

It's just porn

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Hostler thought this was a new jay comic from the thumbnail. This guy decided to be a new Jay and is pulling off, props to him on actually emulating the art style 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

At least it's not incest this time

I hope...

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Oh yes, a classic self insert power fantasy comic

(He just like me fr)

Drip Man's picture
Joined: 16/04/2021

Oh great, a Jay Naylor clone.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

keep that good work up and take your time

Ova's picture
Joined: 08/05/2021

Sigh* just vuckin' gimme my 'vanilla" plea not this yappy garbage!

SHIFTY's picture
Joined: 19/05/2022

GIFs work now?

Ova's picture
Joined: 08/05/2021

(Tho only works on pc for some reason.)

SHIFTY's picture
Joined: 19/05/2022

I’ll try it out later then

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

It's very easy to tell this guy is a fan of Jay Naylor based on how he draws his eyes, not to mention the secondary pube hair on top of fur.

SHIFTY's picture
Joined: 19/05/2022

I'm trying to figure out if "Friend" is a female or not.     
