Question?Who the duck eats mayonnaise with pizza!?Thats almost like eating spaghetti but replace tomatoe sauce with ketchup.I know it just means,'cum',but that title triggers me!
Almost heaven west Virginia blue ridge mountains shanondoah river life is old there older than the trees younger than that mountains flowin like a breeze country roads (finish the whole song properly)
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I think that is not mayo it's something else white but she is just saying it mayo
i think it's her or someone's cum
Question?Who the duck eats mayonnaise with pizza!?Thats almost like eating spaghetti but replace tomatoe sauce with ketchup.I know it just means,'cum',but that title triggers me!
It sounds absolutely disgusting on Paper, but Mayo on Pizza actually tastes alright.
Just gotta try it I guess.
People do it, I have a friend who does it
oh boo hoo dude stop being such a whiny little piece of shit
this never gets old
Derph:It's ok! The boy's 18 I just made him look underage
FBI: Understandable have a great day
my friend made same but it went
GUY;let me finish this fortnite game
15 games later
Fun fact my future brother in law likes mayo and red onion pizza
you sure its mayo?
More now this is the best
im not the only one who saw the ears in the pizza guys hat, right? cuz that means he delivered from freddy fazbears pizza
Caralho que foda eu tambem vi mas não juntei as duas coisas
And people wonder why they didn't deliver
Almost heaven west Virginia blue ridge mountains shanondoah river life is old there older than the trees younger than that mountains flowin like a breeze country roads (finish the whole song properly)
Aaaaaaaaaa you fucking sung it wrong
my boss at work said ''All Girls are Perverts, Boys are just Horny'' and as a girl i can't deny that nor can i deny that my boss is a female too
I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, and I sexually identify as an attack helicopter.
i like the way you think
Damn, i just had a thought, what if, a character dies because some other characer smothered them with their tits while fucking?
Best way to go
Do you mean suffocation?
This bitch a T H O T