Everyone here be like "i came here only to roast comic and peoples that tapped that". Like, U all wanted to see kid crystal, and U decidite to read it. I'm not gonna make your mistake, this shit is black and wite, so fuck that i'm not eaven checkin it up. Hope U enjoyed my crappy language. Now, fuck off from loli, it's legal in this kind of loli (drawn comic, she can be 23 in story here)
Everyone here be like "i came here only to roast comic and peoples that tapped that". Like, U all wanted to see kid crystal, and U decidite to read it. I'm not gonna make your mistake, this shit is black and wite, so fuck that i'm not eaven checkin it up. Hope U enjoyed my crappy language. Now, fuck off from loli, it's legal in this kind of loli (drawn comic, she can be 23 in story here)