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Visiting Aunt Sara - Porn Games


Porn game Visiting Aunt Sara

e65ef416792232357627259ef94ee02e.pngYear: 2017

Censorship: No

Developer/Publisher: Nlt

Platform: Windows/Android

Version: 1.13+walkthrough

Language: English/Russian

System requirements: CPU: Athlon / Pentium 200 MHz RAM: 64 MB DirectX: 8.1 RAM: 512MB; VRAM: 128MB; HDD: ~ 900 MB.


 This is a game where you'll take control of Jeff, Debra's son, ready to do what it takes to win over Aunt Sara and get some action.

Additional Information: 

[collapse collapsed title=Playthrough] Head upstairs - Click on the key (On the table) Enter the bathroom (Second door) - Click on the green box [Lime] Enter Zach's room (Fourth door) - Click on the pillow (Bottom side) [Lighter] Head to the garage - Do the following: 1. Click on the red box (Use Key) [Pliers] 2. Click on the white bag (Use Box of Lime) [Chlorine] 3. Click on the black box (Use Pliers) Head to the Kitchen - Click on the counter next to the fridge [Duck tape] Head to the Backyard - Do the following: 1. Click on the hot tub (Use Chlorine) 2. Click on the water pump (Use Duck tape) Head to the kitchen - Talk to Aunt Sara Head upstairs - Click on the first door (Aunt Sara's Room) - Yes Go to the Backyard - Click on the hot tub - Get in the tub Go to the area (Mud) next to the red plant Head upstairs - Enter Aunt Sara's Room - Click on the alchol bottle Head to the garage - Click on the shovel [Shovel] Go to the Kitchen - Do the following: 1. Click on the fridge [Cranberry juice] 2. Click on the glasses (Use Cranberry Juice) 3. Click on the glasses - Add something else (Use Alchohol) Head to the Backyard - Do the following: 1. Go to the area (Mud) next to the red plant (Use Shovel) 2. Click on Aunt Sara (Use Cranberry Cocktail) 3. Click on Aunt Sara Go to the Kitchen - Do the following: 1. Click on Aunt Sara 2. Click on the Gloves (Kitchen Sink) [Gloves] Head to the Frontyard - Click on the trash can (Use Gloves) [Forbidden Desiers] Head to the Living room - Click on Aunt Sara (Use Forbidden Desiers) Head to Aunt Sara's Room - Do the following: 1. Click on the clothes (On the bed) - Yes [Clothes] 2. Click on the box (Bottom Right) - Enter Code: 387 [Thumb Drive) Head to the Dinning hall - Click on the laundry machine (Use Clothes) Head south (Viewing area) - Click on the PC screen (Use Thumb Drive) Head upstairs Head downstairs - Head to Zach's room - Click on the Radio [Radio] Head to the Dinning hall - Click on Calculator [Calculator] Head to the Backyard - be infront of the big tree (From the bottom) [Ring] Head upstairs - Click on Aunt sara (Use Ring) Head to the Frontyard - Click on the newspaper [Newspaper] Head to the backyard - Click on your clothes Head back inside - Talk to Aunt Sara (At the laundry machine) Head to the Living room - Click on Aunt Sara - I opened Paul's lockbox (If you gathered all 8 cards) Click on the two heart fragments Head to Synthia's room - Click on Aunt Sara Head to Aunt Sara's Room - Enter the bathroom Head to the Kitchen - Do the following: 1. Click on the sink - Yes [Glass of Water] 2. Click on the fridge [Cheese] Head to the garage - Do the following: 1. Click on the bucket (Use Glass of Water) 2. Click on the bucket (Use Cheese) 3. Click on the bucket (Use Shovel) 4. Try to exit the Garage Head to Aunt Sara's Room - Click on Aunt Sara Head to the Frontyard - Click on Ricky Head back inside - Try to go upstairs Head to Synthia's room - Click on Closet [Coat Hanger] Head to the front yard - Click on Ricky's Car (Use Coat Hanger) Head to the Kitchen - Click on the phone Try to go upstairs Go to the Frontyard Head back inside - Click on Aunt sara Go to the Frontyard - Click on the box Push the box close to the hot tub - Click on Aunt Sara (At the hot tub) Head to the garage - Click on the shovel [Shovel] Head to the backyard - Do the following: 1. Go to the mud area south of bee hive - Click on the bee hive (Use Newspaper) 2. Click on the newspaper (Use Lighter) 3. Click on the dead bush (Use Lighter) Head to the garage - Click on the Bucket [Bucket of Water] Head to the backyard - Do the following: 1. Click on the fire (Use Bucket of Water) 2. Click on Aunt Sara (Use Heart) Save the game Head to Aunt Sara's Room - Click on your clothes - Yes Head downstairs Cards Locations Upstairs - Hallway Card #8 : Click on the plant (Right) Random CG: Click on the picture portrait Upstairs - Aunt Sara's bathroom Card #6: Click on the plant (Left) Upstairs - Synthia's room Card #2: Infront of closet Upstairs - Zach's room Card #4 : Be on top of the bed (pillow side) Backyard: Card #7: On top of the big plant south of the water pump Card #1: Left side of the outer backyard (Brown looking card) Card #5: Right side of the outer backyard (Brown looking card) Downstairs - Dinning area Card #3: Click on the plant [/collapse]

Average: 3.9 (132 votes)

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Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Does it have any viruses?

Anonymous (not verified)
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Guys it contains malware

Anonymous (not verified)
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İ meant exhibits malware like behavior

Anonymous (not verified)
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What is the code for the lockbox in miss Sara's room 

Anonymous (not verified)
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There is literally a walkthrough in the download....

Anonymous (not verified)
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I love it

Anonymous (not verified)
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yes i love it  
Anonymous (not verified)
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What's the code to the lockbox?

Anonymous (not verified)
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Prmar dev

Anonymous (not verified)
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How do i open the miss sara's room door????

btw nice game

Anonymous (not verified)
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I found it... Could somebody make a guide on HOW to finish this game

Thx in advance

Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Nice game

Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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Anonymous (not verified)
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John (not verified)
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John (not verified)
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Sad nephew :{ (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Witing to load. :}{

DICK (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Doesn't work. Black Screen

Hraft's picture
Joined: 26/08/2017


For Fucks Sake (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

A file is broken and game won't start

Zizo (not verified)
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