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All of us are not verified wtf guys
not all of us
A stapler.... Seriously, a FUCKING STAPLER?!
Imagine if it activated, isabelle would have to head to a hospital as a fucking staple will pierce skin, imagine having to show CCTV of you shoving a stapeler up your ass while yelling your bosses name, shit that cant be risked.
Any girl here who's masterbated with a stapler?
Just curious
What about a staple remover?
Dude shove the stapler down your urethra
Jesus fucking Christ you got a pair
Wow holy shit you are brave
Isabelle the only furry I tolerate
go outside man please
This isn't free Robbux!
Yes It is
I see you are a man of culture as well
Uhm guys, not related to this comic, but does anyone know a forum where I can ask people to help me find a specific porn comic? I forgot the name but know the details. Thx
You can try reddit, or maybe furaffinity, or maybe ask jninja on ifunny
I might be able to find it
I'm looking for a doujinshi, too. There is about a brother and his sister that go to visit their cousins. The 4 of them make a bet, and the boy that resisted longer to a bj won a night with the 2 girls while her brother was watching. Anyone can help me? (it' s not on this site)
The only time i come to the furry section, is to read the comments
I'm so sorry, little one.
Great, I'm a furry now.
god has abandoned us.
If fury is sin i have worste than furry fetish
This isnt the free v-bucks download!
I know right?!?
Not my free 1000000 v-bucks!