A new feature has been added to the main site - Alternative Gallery.
It is best for viewing comics with this type of pages, just press the
This gallery is also easier to save pages as it does not run on HTML5.
To return, simply press the button again.
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im must be mario
For those who do not visit the forum, bookmarks have appeared for all registered users
Wait, the forum is more active then the telegram channel? That's good to know
Hraft spam còn 😢kinh khủng hơn tôi
Damn, I didn't know Rosalina was such a bitch!
Imma try to send it, wish me luck
New feature out?
Did the same thing to my sister
Saddest attempt at "Sweet Home Alabama" I have ever seen
bot, idk why here, but bot
To tròn
Why won't it load
Fellas is it gay to like women
Yes, because women like men, therefore to like somethi- someone that likes men is gay. Unless it is a lesbianismo, because men like women and thus to like a woman that likes women makes it third party gay, thus rendering the gay harmless
I... Yeah? Maybe. I believe in anticipate my rogue would hide behind a tree.
press alt+f4 it fixes the issue
Do not cite the ancient text bitch!
I was there when it was written!
are you trying to get baned from twitch?
yea, works every time
CONTROL + WINDOWS KEY + D works too very well
how about you shut up anon