Author: JestKyokimuteSection: My Little Pony: Mini comicsSwitch to alternative gallery Characters: ApplejackBig McIntoshTwilight VelvetTags: Very Close Relatives Select ratingGive Turnabout is fair play 1/5Give Turnabout is fair play 2/5Give Turnabout is fair play 3/5Give Turnabout is fair play 4/5Give Turnabout is fair play 5/5 Average: 4.7 (37 votes) 77647 views Suggest tag Suggest description
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Tôi sẽ bú cái này
I love it
Poor Applejack. Even here she can't get any respect. Also, she totally played her there.
Twi' and Star' being barren? :-(Oh, bummer.
And... what became of the Princesses, and all the other elements?
What's this gig of calling Applejack a background pony? That's annoying. :-(
i really wanna see the end reslut of this comic