Author: Win4699Section: League of LegendsSwitch to alternative gallery Characters: IreliaTags: RapeMonsterDildoStraponDominationStockingsX-Ray Select ratingGive Irelia's new Master 1/5Give Irelia's new Master 2/5Give Irelia's new Master 3/5Give Irelia's new Master 4/5Give Irelia's new Master 5/5 Average: 4.9 (237 votes) 329943 views Suggest tag Suggest description
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Okay so honestly I can't get the fact out of my head that Ammumu is sad that noones want to fuck his tiny Virgin dick so now he just makes dolls and watches then like the sad bastard that he is
To hell with amumu, stupid green incel!
Im shaking Amumu would never do this
Absolutely. They should try to contain it immediately
I dunno if i should be terrifed or horny
In cases like this, you have to be hornified
I don't have toilet paper next to me:(
The fuck is this
This is well meh,
But the part of the dolls, hm wonder who would like that?
fetish = yes
Kinda meh
dude why do I keep seeing you? How much porn do you read?
I like the "hehe"on page 2
Meh. I've seen better.
Yeah, i've seen better in 2077 too. So shut up biological creature.
No asked for your, opinion. Stranger.
the "why am i sleep here" actually made me laugh my ass off
Aatrox is chad
i mean sure this was work and all but i gotta : WhY aM i SlEeP hErE ??!?!?!?!
Where these guys came from?
hm ok i guees
Same, can't say it's good but also bad
Do you contain any life other than the life found in our solar system?