Year: 2025.01.14
Censorship: No
Platform: Win/Mac/Linux/Android
Version: v0.11.2 Beta Fix 3
Language: English, Russian
Amazing and at the same time, a strange story was told to me by an old acquaintance by correspondence. He told me of the time when he was nothing but a simple guy, yearning for a young female flesh. But due to the thunderstorm of events, in which he was cast, he found himself at a disastrous end. His birth was shrouded in mystery, and his goals were that of a simple man. His youth could be the envy of all. But to live through his destiny and bear the entirety of it, is even beyond my power. He will recite you a tale about the students who changed his life. And many women who he met, and how they have changed his fate. We are about to take an endeavor into a magical world, that has not seen a wild debauchery since the fall of the Bewitching Guild. The old magical school, that above all valued purity and chastity. And we also hear about a young doctor, who grew tired of old witches, and who dreamed of young and innocent witches… It is time to raise our sails! On-wards to Hogwarts!
Gallery unlock/Cheats
1. Android: Everything is preinstalled, so memories unlocking button is available in "extra" -> "extra", and boosted save creating button is available when you start new game and choose a chapter.
2. PC / Linux / MAC: First close the game if it’s running, then create a file named erecto totalus, (works only for the public version, patron's only version has its own code that is available on the download page at our website) in the same folder where the game’s executable file is located (Innocent Witches.exe), any extension will do, for example .txt. After that a new option will appear in "extra" -> "extra", which will allow you to unlock the memories. Additionally, when starting some of the chapters via the New Game menu, you will get an option to start it with lots of gold and high stats.
Relevant name of the unlocking file for each current version is always available on our site.
0.11.2-beta-fix3 (5.1.2025)
0. All the fixes, adjustments and additions that were implemented in 0.10.10-beta-fix3 are also present in 0.11.2-beta-fix3
1. Fixed multiple crashes caused by interacting with letters and packages.
2. Fixed several crashes which happened after summoning a person for a visit.
3. Fixed a bunch of other bugs and issues reported by our dear players (thanks! <3)
0.11.2-beta (25.12.2024)
0. All the fixes, adjustments and additions that were implemented in 0.10.10-beta are also present in 0.11.2-beta
1. Fixed a crash which happened when trying to view the abilities tree or to level-up abilities in the old plot
2. Updated the music tracks with mastered versions with higher overall quality
3. Fixed the incorrect use of the titles across the game, such as "House", "Headmaster", "Professor", etc.
4. Fixed multiple calls to non-existing layers for the characters when showing emotions and other layers, such as arms, changes in clothing and so on
5. Fixed a crash in the second Elf-maid scene if auto-forwarding for the dialogues was active
6. Adjusted tooltips when hovering over the items in the inventory to make them more readable and consistent with other tooltips' style
7. Fixed incorrect position for certain tooltips
8. Dialogue lines that were long enough for the scrollbar to appear in the dialogue window will now not scroll to the end automatically if the speed for the text to appear was set to instant
9. Implemented other various fixes and adjustments based on the reports from our players (thanks! <3)
0.11.1-beta-fix1 (7.11.2024)
0. All the fixes, adjustments and additions that were implemented in 0.10.9-beta-fix1 are also present in 0.11.1-beta-fix1
1. Fixed the crash happening when playing the spell-casting minigame
2. Fixed Luna's miniature in one of the events in Act 2 Chapter 1
3. Fixed several cases of hands resetting for Snape and Minerva during drinking events in Act 2 Chapter 1
4. Fixed the crash in Sonya's knowledge base section
5. Fixed Minerva's character not disappearing which prevented a certain scene with her to appear in Act 2 Chapter 1
6. Fixed the crash that happened when receiving stories from Hagrid
7. Fixed the crash that happened when making a screenshot if the path to the game contained specific characters
8. Added a short dream event with Susan which has a chance to happen in Act 2 Chapter 2 when going to sleep having Susan as waifu
9. Adjusted the description and visibility for the memories so that they appear in correct groups if the old plot is activated
10. Adjusted the visibility for Polaroid photos in the photoalbum. Now only those photos that are obtainable in the current type of plot will be shown there
11. Implemented other various fixes and adjustments based on the reports from our players (thanks! <3)
0.11.1-beta (31.10.2024)
0. All the fixes, adjustments and additions that were implemented in 0.10.9-beta are also present in 0.11.1-beta
1. Updated the interface in the main menu. The art for the book has been updated together with the interactive elements on it
2. Added Live2D animations for the Hogwarts Corridor version of the main menu background
3. Added a better scaling technique to be used for Live2D animations which utilize 4k texture atlas. This should result in overall reduced aliasing (jaggedness of the edges) for the moving parts in such animations
4. Added an option that makes the tooltips appear in a static position rather than next to the cursor when hovering over them. This should be especially useful for players on mobile devices. The option is available in Extra section in Preferences
5. Added a background for tooltips for better readability
6. Checked and adjusted the achievements in the Sonya's knowledge base according to their availability in the old / new plot. You will now only see the achievements there that are available in the current version of story that you are playing
7. Fixed a minor visual issue during Luna's stockings/pantyhose demonstration
8. Implemented various other version-specific fixes, corrections and adjustments based on the reports from our players (Thank you! <3)
0.11-beta-fix2 (06.09.2024)
0. The saves are compatible between 0.11-beta, 0.11-beta-fix1 and 0.11-beta-fix2
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.10.8-beta-fix2 are also present in 0.11-beta-fix2
1. Fixed the issue with letters regarding new stockings becoming available in Huntress when trying to read them in Act 2 Chapter 1
2. Slightly adjusted the ending in Act 2 Chapter 1 for smoother transition to the upcoming events in Act 2 Chapter 2 (version 0.12A)
3. Adjusted the dialogue between the students on the bench during certain events in Act 2 Chapter 1
4. Added emotions for dialogue portraits for several events in Act 2 Chapter 1
5. Fixed a bunch of other bugs and issues reported by our dear players (thanks! <3)
0.11-beta-fix1 (23.08.2024)
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.10.8B-fix1 are also present in 0.11B-fix1
1. Fixed the bug that happened with the collectable cards event when transitioning between the chapters
2. Fixed the bug that happened after using the sleeping pills on the door
0.11-beta (20.08.2024)
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.10.8B are also present in 0.11B
1. Added a sandbox mode for Act 2 Chapter 2 which includes new side content and interactions with the characters. The main plot for this chapter will be added in 0.12-alpha
2. Added a new side quest for Act 2 Chapter 2 sandbox which includes a fullscreen scene with a side character that participated in the events of Act 2 Chapter 1
3. Added a new main menu background featuring Luna Lovegood, including Live2D animated version
4. Added a new series of fruitful interactions with a mysterious student which can be found somewhere in Hogwarts starting from Act 1 Chapter 4
5. Added a set of new pantyhose and thigh-high pieces to the Huntress catalogue which, after acquiring, can be given to the Head Girls via special interactions with them
6. Added a new mechanic that unlocks alternative versions for the main menu backgrounds and allows certain modifications for them after completing the current plot with the respective Head Girl selected as waifu. At the moment this is only applicable for Luna's background, but in future it might be expanded for the other backgrounds, depending on the feedback from the players
7. Added Live2D animations for Minerva's Maje-stick scene in Act 2 Chapter 1
8. Added Live2D animations for Elf-maid's office fullscreen scene in Act 2 Chapter 1
9. Added interactions with Elf-maid in Act 2 Chapter 2 sandbox, including chit-chat, customization for her looks, and more
10. Adjusted the logic for the events that depend on the presence of the waifu, it should now be possible to continue them in Act 2 Chapter 2 and forward
11. Added text corrections and emotions for the entirety of Act 2 Chapter 1
12. Fixed typos and minor visual artefacts for Hufflepuff Common Room location art
13. Fixed a bug with unlocking a memory with Elf-maid's scene in the bedroom when certain conditions were active
14. Slightly updated clothes' art for Xandria
15. Fixed missing brows in Elf-maid's office scene
16. Fixed a bug caused by reading the St. Valentine's letter in Act 2 Chapter 1
17. Fixed a bug with Nola's flower art during certain event in Act 2 Chapter 1
18. Fixed and corrected other bugs, mistakes and typos based on players' reports specific for the Supporter's version. Thanks!🫡
0.11-alpha-fix1 (03.05.2024)
0. This is a bug-fix version aimed at correcting the issues reported after the release of 0.11-alpha, plus adding other features. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.10.7-beta-fix1 are also present in 0.11-alpha-fix1
1. Fixed crashes on Android during the spellcasting events in new chapter
2. Fixed other bugs and typos based on reports from our players <3
0.11-alpha (21.04.2024)
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.10.7B are also present in 0.11A
1. Added a new chapter that continues the events of the prologue in Act 2
2. Added two new locations - Great Hall and Hufflepuff Common Room, which are a part of the new chapter
3. Added a new fullscreen scene with Elf-maid
4. Added an expanded fullscreen scene with Minerva which includes a new item and interactions with it based on the existing scene at the table
5. Reintegrated most of the art involved in Minerva's scene from the old plot
6. Added new music tracks for the Great Hall and Divination Classroom
7. Added a first iteration of the spellcasting mechanic for certain events
8. Added a botched cake art to Susan's Halloween event for better immersion
9. Fixed many typos, grammar mistakes and other game bugs in general based on your reports (thanks! <3)
0.10.10-beta-fix3 (5.1.2025)
1. Fixed several crashes which happened during story interactions with Ginny in Act 2 Chapter 1.
2. Fixed Ginny's body not displaying correctly when using an older save file.
3. Fixed Helena's body not displaying correctly in multiple scenes with her across the game.
4. Fixed an issue when trying to view polaroid photos.
5. Added the photo of (not) Daphne to the photo album.
6. Slightly adjusted the story in Christmas 2024 event.
7. Updated the background for Sonya with a newer version of background in the new plot.
8. Fixed multiple crashes caused by incorrect syntax in Community Translations, making the game more stable when such translations are in use.
9. Implemented various other fixes, corrections and adjustments based on the reports from our players (Thank you! <3)
0.10.10-beta (25.12.2024)
0. This is a seasonal update aimed at adding a new Christmas-themed event, as well as fixing the bugs that were reported by our players <3
1. Added a new Christmas-themed story available via the Extra menu in the Bookcase (Act 1 Chapter 6 and forward)
2. Added Live2D animations for four polaroid photos, featuring (not) Daphne, Hermione, Luna and Alexa.
3. Updated the decryption event for Ginny's diary which made it a more straightforward and pleasant experience
4. Slightly updated and polished Hermione's Fawkes resurrection event
5. Added a hint to memories section mentioning the way to unlock the rest of the memories which depend on the old plot
6. Added an option in the photoalbum to view static or animated versions for polaroids which have Live2D animations
7. It's now possible to combine several face accessory layers in Sonya's wardrobe (foundation for future additions for other characters)
8. Doubled the resolution for Ginny's first fullscreen scene Live2D animations
9. Updated how the screenshots mechanic is implemented in the code which leads to better performance and fixes an issue with screenshots storage file becoming too big
10. Fixed a bug that prevented using ethanol on the fireplace during certain events in Act 1 Chapter 2
11. Fixed inconsistencies with the transgression potion in the new story in Act 1 Chapter 3
12. Fixed an issue that prevented summoning characters during certain events when they were planned in the calendar for an unannounced visit
13. Fixed a bug that prevented asking the prefect to take off the House stockings when certain conditions were active
14. Fixed a bug that prevented giving Elf-maid a new name in Act 2
15. Implemented various other fixes, corrections and adjustments based on the reports from our players (Thank you! <3)
0.10.9-beta-fix1 (7.11.2024)
1. Polished and fixed minor issues in the newly added Halloween event
2. Made it possible to activate the Amulet of True Vision in memories if the amulet was unlocked in the main game
3. Other minor fixed and adjustments based on the reports from the players (thanks! <3)
0.10.9-beta (31.10.2024)
0. This is a small update aimed at adding a new seasonal Halloween event, as well as fixing the bugs that were reported by our players <3
1. Added a short Halloween story available via the Extra menu in the Bookcase (Act 1 Chapter 6 and forward)
2. Added a new costume for Sonya
3. Fixed a bug which prevented interactions with magazines when trying to use them for a certain quest
4. Added two new music tracks
5. Achievements pop-up should now appear and disappear more smoothly
6. Clicking on a knowledge card presented by Sonya will now take you to the corresponding section in the knowledge base
7. Fixed a bug which caused Helena's minion to be displayed over the closed curtains when she's sitting on the window
8. Corrected several inconsistencies in the story in Act 1 Chapter 5 and 6
9. Implemented various other fixes, corrections and adjustments based on the reports from our players (Thank you! <3)
0.10.8-beta-fix2 (06.09.2024)
0. The saves are compatible between 0.10.8-beta, 0.10.8-beta-fix1 and 0.10.8-beta-fix2
1. Fixed a bug caused by some of the items when taking them from the bag in the office
2. Fixed a bug caused by visiting Hagrid's Hut during specific quest stage in Act 2 Chapter 2 (Old plot)
3. Added emotions for dialogue portraits in Act 1 Chapters 5 and 6
4. Updated the version of the game's engine resulting in a more stable operation of the game on Android devices. It should now also be possible to (almost) always minimize and maximize the game on Android without causing it to freeze
5. Added school robe sleeves for Hermione and Daphne for specific positions of their hands to prevent clipping
6. Added an option to begin the scene with Myrtle manually instead of triggering it automatically when visiting the Abandoned toilet in Act 1 Chapter 4 and further
7. The letters and planned character visits will now persist when transitioning between chapters making the flow of the game more consistent and preventing potential bugs (and potentially adding new bugs :D)
8. Fixed a bunch of other bugs and issues reported by our dear players (thanks! <3)
0.10.8-beta-fix1 (23.08.2024)
1. Fixed the bug that happened during the transition between the chapters
2. Fixed the bug that prevented selecting English language on the starting screen
3. Optimized and updated the way how the language selection works in the game (now it doesn't require the game to restart and should use less resources in general)
4. Updated the music theme for the main menu with Hermione
5. Fixed the bug that prevented saving screenshots on MAC
6. Fixed the bug that happened at the end of one of the Live2D animated scenes with Minerva
7. Fixed the green screen mechanic in memories
8. Fixed the overlap for notifications that happen when a quest is updated at the same time with sending the letter to someone, or when receiving a package
0.10.8-beta (20.08.2024)
1. Updated the event flow and Live2D animations for the Mysterious Fan scene near the lake
2. Added Live2D animations for Minerva's Helping Hand, Brazen Kitty and Successful Provocation scenes
3. Expanded Ginny's Backdoor scene with the ability to take off her clothes, plus other options, for both static and animated versions
4. Added stockings for Hermione's bent over character art when she's checking Fawkes' ashes
5. Added a new miniature for Markus during the toilet eavesdrop events in the Abandoned Wing
6. Added Christmas and Halloween hats for Googleye (owl) in the Headmaster's office
7. Added a button to save/load screen that allows exiting to the main menu
8. Moved the tooltip for the question mark icon in the quest journal for better interactivity on mobile devices
9. Added a choice to not participate in the Brazen Kitty scene with Minerva during the events in Act 1 Chapter 5
10. Added a choice that allows to purposefully lose to a mysterious fan during the scene at the lake
11. Updated background switching mechanic for the main menu
12. Slightly updated Elf-maid's character art
13. Fixed a bug with Ginny's diary which sometimes prevented it to be returned to the Gryffindor Dorms during Ginny's quest
14. Fixed interactions with Fawkes in Act 1 Chapter 3 during the quest with packages on the floor
15. Fixed the bug caused by the swimsuits being removed on Monday in the new plot
16. Fixed ink not appearing on Ginny's face in certain animations for her first scene
17. Fixed hinting arrows for the Entrance gate events in prologue
18. Added a field to the game's interface that shows current day of the week next to the clock
19. Added emotions to characters for casual dialogues scenes, as well as for all the events in the prologue of Act 2
20. Fixed most of the disappearing owl post packages when transitioning between the chapters
21. Statue minigame now has more smooth transitions between the stages
22. Updated Snape's letter stamp
23. Cleaned-up the visuals for the top-row version of inventory and expanded it a bit as a result
24. Added icons for stash and local inventory when both are open to distinguish them easier
25. Multiple identical items now stack into one slot in the top-row version of inventory
26. Added edits and corrections for English and Russian texts throughout the new plot
27. Updated Minerva's spicy music theme for erotic situations and scenes with her
28. Updated Dumbledore's music theme
29. Updated Snitch minigame music theme
30. Updated game's engine which brings multiple optimizations and fixes, together with stability enhancements for Android build of the game
31. Fixed several visual bugs in Luna's Christmas event
32. Fixed several bugs in Unforgettable Night quest
33. Fixed positions for several students' miniatures in Corridor and Classroom 609
34. Fixed Snape's shadow and art for his miniatures in Headmaster's office
35. Fixed a sneaky bug with using the broom on the window in Headmaster's bedroom
36. Added evening and night versions for Hagrid's Hut Entrance location
37. Fixed duplicate seaweed dialogue with Luna in Act 1 Chapter 5
38. Fixed missing professor Flitwick during certain events in classroom in multiple chapters
39. Fixed a bug with Daphne wearing mantle in yoga scene, and prevent this scene to appear if Daphne is not available
40. Added hand cursor when grabbing a bag with galleons or other items in Headmaster's office
41. Fixed a bug that prevented use of catcher's glove and snitch on Gwenog Jones' portrait during Ginny's quest
42. Fixed the transitions in many scenes between screens during specific conditions, which leads to an overall smoother flow of the events
43. Fixed several visual bugs for certain combinations of clothes in the dressing room
44. Fixed Head Girls' stockings resetting when transitioning between the chapters
45. Added more information about updating the game if the update is available
46. Pre-splash banner that appears during the loading of the game can now be dragged (simply amazing, isn't it)
47. Added a multiplier indicator for the final score when changing parameters for Sonya's memoria minigame
48. Updated the visuals for different announcements during the gameplay, such as person's visit or new tasks in the quest journal
49. Adjusted the position for buttons in alchemy minigame for the Android client of the game
50. Fixed a visual bug with Hagrid's door unlock minigame for the Live2D animated version if it's played in the evening
51. Fixed and corrected other bugs, mistakes and typos based on players' reports, thanks!🫡
0.10.7-beta-fix1 (03.05.2024)
0. This is a bug-fix version aimed at correcting the issues reported after the release of 0.10.7-beta, plus adding other features
1. Fixed Flitwick and Salazar portraits in new plot
2. Extracted Elf-maid memories into a separate section for better grouping
3. Improved snappiness for menu choices during the walkthrough by removing pauses after clicking on the menu choice
4. Updated Halloween events naming in the bookshelf menu for easier navigation (prologue is now separate from part 1)
5. Slightly adjusted the encounter with mysterious stranger near the lake
6. Leveling the stats in new plot is now faster
7. Amulet of True Vision will now have instant cooldown if cheats are active
8. Fixed graphical interface for the letters, scrolls and notes in new plot
9. Dressing room now has a green screen mode
10. Updated music theme for the Potions Classroom corridor
11. Fixed other bugs and typos based on reports from our players <3
0.10.7-beta (21.04.2024)
0. This is a public release for the previously supporters' only version, containing everything prior to and including 0.10A, plus versions 0.10.1A, 0.10.2A, 0.10.3A, 0.10.4A, 0.10B, 0.10.1B, 0.10.2B, 0.10.3B, 0.10.4B, 0.10.5B and 0.10.6B. For more information about all the additions please check the previous entries in this changelog for the corresponding versions
1. Added / updated the following music tracks: Abandoned Wing, Abandoned Toilet, Myrtle, Myrtle Special, Headmaster's Bedroom, Prophecy, Helena Special, Overlook Date, Duel with Snape, Xandria, Xandria Special, Minerva Special, Elf-maid, Elf-maid Special and Potions Classroom
2. Implemented a number of quality-of-life fixes and additions, such as reduced transitions and extra options / preferences for certain parts of the game, among other things
3. Fixed a multitude of bugs and typos reported by the players <3
1. Added a new seasonal event - St. Valentine's Day (available via Extra menu in the bookshelf starting from Act 2)
2. Added a new main menu background theme, together with a new music track
3. Added a new location - Divination Classroom (available in St. Valentine's event)
4. Added Live2D animations for the bedroom scene with Elf-maid
5. Added Live2D animations for Daphne's scene at the end of Chapter 6
6. Updated main menu background functionality
7. Added a mini event to repair the broken broom in Chapter 4
8. Added an ability to start the event with Myrtle outside of Chapter 4
9. Implemented other minor additions and improvements
10. Fixed many smaller bugs and typos thanks to your reports. Thanks!
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.12B are also present in 0.10.5B
1. Added Live2D animation for Ginny's second scene
2. Added the Elder wand events to Chapter 4 Act 1, including bedroom puzzle and curtain panties peeking events
3. Part 1 of the Halloween event is now available in Chapters 5 and 6 in Act 1
4. Adjusted the texts mentioning IMVOIS and VOIS in early chapters to make them more clear and consistent
5. Fixed other bugs and typos based on community reports <3
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.11B are also present in 0.10.4B
1. Fixes for various bugs and typos specific for 0.10.3-beta
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.10B are also present in 0.10.3B
1. Added an additional reward for completing Daphne's minigame (it arrives in a couple of days after finishing the minigame)
2. Added stockings to prefects' dressing room memory
3. It's now possible to retry the round in Daphne's minigame right after losing
4. Removed temp stuff from Daphne's minigame
5. Fixed panties artefacts in Live2D animation for Ginny's bj scene
6. Updated conversation background when meeting with Daphne during her yoga sessions near the lake
7. Multiple bug and typo fixes
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.9B are also present in 0.10.2B
1. Added a prologue for Act 2 with multiple events
2. Added Live2D animation for Hermione's non-verbal spellcasting scene
3. Added the next part of casual dialogues with the prefects
4. Added pantyhose to the Huntress catalogue + interactions with the prefects
5. Added the foundation for changing the clothes for prefects when they visit headmaster's office
6. Added casual dialogues for Snape, Minerva, Ginny, Bobby and Hagrid
7. Overhauled Daphne's minigame with new mechanics and rewards
8. Added random encounters with Daphne at the lake (available after finishing the first part of the updated minigame)
9. Added an easter egg in Abandoned Wing Toilet location
10. Added new minions for Myrtle when visiting her + a new minion after the scene with her
11. Fixed many typos and grammar mistakes based on your feedback (<3 thanks!)
12. Numerous additional fixes and adjustments
13. 🍆💦
* Saves are compatible with 0.10-beta
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.8B are also present in 0.10.1B
1. Slightly adjusted the intro in Susan's cakes minigame
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.7B are also present in 0.10B
1. Added chapters 5 and 6 to act 1 (new plot)
2. Added two new fullscreen scenes with two prefects
3. Added a new fullscreen scene with Helena
4. Added a new fullscreen scene with Minerva
5. Added a new fullscreen introductory scene with Xandria
6. Added Live2D animation for the first Ginny's scene
7. Added Live2D animation for Susan's "Inner Rod punishment" scene
8. Added first part of casual dialogues for prefects
9. Added a new location - "Road to Hagrid's Hut"
10. Added a new location - "Gryffindor male dorms"
11. Some of the side quests, like Ginny's quest and seasonal events, are now available in more chapters and will carry their progress between chapters
12. Slightly expanded the scene with Moaning Myrtle
13. Implemented numerous fixes and adjustments specific to 0.10.4A, based on your reports in Discord and other platforms (<3 thanks!)
14. TODO: don't forget to add more bugs before the release!!!
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.6B are also present in 0.10.4A
1. It's now possible to activate Halloween decorations in Act 1 Chapter 4 (new plot)
2. The swimsuits now properly reset for fullscreen character models of the prefects after transitioning from Act 1 to Act 2 in new plot
3. The bugs are fixed, long live the bugs!
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.5B are also present in 0.10.3A
1. Additional fixes and adjustments specifically for A version
2. Hmm, bugs you say? Never heard of 'em
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.4B are also present in 0.10.2A
1. Fixes for the Mandrake quest
2. Fixes and adjustments for chapter 4
3. Fixes for other game breaking bugs
4. Possibly added new bugs
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.3B are also present in 0.10.1A
1. Added a continuation for the Mandrake quest (available in act 1 chapter 4, new plot)
2. Added 1 new polaroid photo (can be acquired in the Mandrake quest continuation)
3. Added a new piece of clothing to prefects as a reward for completing chapter 4 (act 1 in new plot)
4. Fixed the cat's food bug in chapter 4 (act 1 in new plot)
5. Slightly expanded Myrtle's scene with new art
6. It's now possible to enter Headmaster's bedroom in chapter 4 (act 1 in new plot)
7. It's now possible to visit some places outside the office during night using the broom in chapter 4 (act 1 in new plot)
8. Added Hermione's swimsuit to prefects back view in dressing rooms
9. Fixed Minerva's dress for fireplace drinking events in chapter 4 (act 1 in new plot)
10. Ravenclaw entrance now has a night version
11. Added cheats option to chapter 4 (act 1 in new plot)
12. A bunch of other fixes and corrections (thx for reports!)
13. Began transferring bugs from chapter 5 in old plot to chapter 5 in new plot
0. All the fixes and adjustments that were added in 0.9.2B are also present in 0.10A
1. Chapter 4 in Act 1 was updated and integrated into the new story
2. Swimsuits quest in updated chapter was remade and remastered
3. Added 6 new locations - Faculty Entrances, Abandoned toilet and Prefects Bathroom
4. Added a fullscreen scene with a new side character
5. Added Live2D animation for Luna's bedrooms scene (available in old plot and as a memory for now)
6. Carefully ported the most popular bugs from Python 2 version of the game to Python 3
1. Added the continuation for the Halloween quest with new events for each prefect (available in Act 2, Chapter 1 and forward)
2. Added support for Lovense toys (can be enabled in Preferences) + triggers for most of the scenes in new plot
3. Added a new grouping mode to the Memories section for easier navigation
4. Updated tooltips for closed memories
5. Added even more save/load slots to the respective screens
6. Added missing dressing rooms unlock triggers
7. Fixed multiple bugs, issues and typos reported by community (thanks! <3)
1. Fixes for various bugs and typos
1. Added one more random encounter in Forbidden Forest
2. Added a costume for Sonya
3. Updated Marcus minion when he holds a cookie
4. Fixed the issue with Broken Elder Wand in Act 2 Chapter 1
5. Final stage in Luna's minigame (weekend) will now work properly when repeated after the minigame has been completed
6. Removed the mention about the official seal and present for letter interface from Sonya's knowledge base in new plot
7. Updated web version splashscreen with a suggestion that it's recommended not to switch browser windows during initial load
8. Fixed multiple game crashes
9. Continued to correct typos and grammar based on your feedback (thx! <3)
1. Fixed the crashes in Luna's minigame
2. Expanded the amount of available auto-save slots
3. Updated Xandria's character art
4. Fixed reflections in bedroom mirror
5. Fixed fingers for elves
6. Fixed x-ray for Hermione's Halloween costume
7. Fixed packages interactions in Act 2 for Mandrake quest
8. Adjusted Hagrid's texts to be more readable
9. Added an easter egg in the Abandoned Wing location
10. Added an event with elf-maid involving cookies from Boni Bonka
11. Increased the daily and weekly payments. Payments for checking the homework will arrive on the next day in addition to the weekly salary
12. Added additional hotkeys for opening save / load screens (Q and L)
13. Amulet of True Vision (X-Ray) will now be available in all chapters if you found it in Act 2 and then finished the act. In addition, a new option in cheat menu in Extra section can be used to activate the amulet for all chapters
14. The game will now always start at New Game / Select Chapter screen when using the New Game button in the main menu
15. It's now possible to bypass the entrance to the faculty and go directly to the faculty bedrooms by using Right Click
16. Fixed a crash for memories that happened in the Office Bedroom
17. Added random encounters when visiting the Forbidden Forest
18. Added a random encounter in the Slytherin Entrance location
19. Fixed many typos based on your feedback (thanks! <3)
20. Numerous additional fixes and adjustments
21. Forgot to add new game-breaking bugs (planned for the next hotfix)
* Saves are compatible with 0.9.7-beta
1. Bugfixes and adjustments based on your reports (thanks <3)
1. Replaced official/unofficial summon in new plot with a more streamlined summoning logic
2. Added plot type, act and chapter to save and load slots
3. Expanded the last page for saves to increase the number of available save slots
4. Updated first faculty visits in Act 1 Chapter 1 (new plot) when Marcus meets the prefects for the first time
5. Grouped memories into categories based on type of plot (old, new and both)
6. The recipients in the list of addresses now remember their position and do not randomly shuffle
7. Updated the letter interfaces and added an option to send letters quicker
8. Updated Susan's tutoring Live2D scene with new idle animations
9. Added an option to change the intensity of flashes in the game
10. Fixed the issue with 31st of December not displaying in the calendar
11. Replaced global light/dark path choice in new plot with individual choices in each applicable scene
12. Expanded the last page in Screenshots section to store even more screenshots
13. Updated Draco's character art
14. Updated the interfaces for elf's shop
15. Fixed annoying freezes in Susan's tutoring scene with Live2D enabled
16. Updated Helena's character art
17. Disabled some of the items in the stores in new plot until they get their effects implemented
18. Added additional easy difficulty to Ginny's snitch catching event
19. Enabled Ren'py built-in self-voicing (current implementation might not be ideal as it will try to read all the text present on the screen)
20. Added an option to change dialogue text size
21. Added an option to choose one of dyslexia-friendly fonts for English and Russian languages
22. Changed the first scene with Minerva in new plot to a more appropriate one (main scene was moved to the end of Act 1 in 0.10B)
23. Added a button to the ESC menu that allows to exit the game completely
24. Added new students to Ravenclaw and Gryffindor entrances that appear randomly during pauses between classes and during weekends
25. Edited some of English and Russian texts across new plot
26. Community translations were updated with the latest additions from Weblate
27. Implemented lots of other fixes and adjustments based on your reports in Discord and other platforms (<3 thanks!)
28. Fatal Python error: Cannot recover from stack overflow. Exiting...
0. This is a compilation of fixes for annoying bugs, it's highly recommended to get this version
1. Fixed a crash in game's launcher when opening the Advanced tab
2. Fixed a crash when sending a letter to elf on 22 or later in Halloween quest
3. The mouse is now working when the skip button is pressed
4. Fixed the issue with Daphne's part in Unforgettable night quest, where it's required to go outside at night
5. Added several additional Community languages, such as Turkish, Traditional Chinese, Spanish (Latin), and more
6. Fixed an issue with Elder Wand quest not completing in Act 2 Chapter 1 (old plot)
7. The quest that involves the shells is now working properly and doesn't crash
8. Luna's part in Unforgettable night quest now completes only when the event in the dorms was actually witnessed
9. Mysterious fan quest is now working correctly with the broom
10. The collection of ingredients for the stupefying potion now works if Luna's part in Christmas event is active at the same time
11. Halloween event now correctly resets after transitioning to the next chapter if the quest wasn't finished before the transition
12. Live2D animations in certain parts of Susan's scene should not loop endlessly now
12+1. Some bugs were not fixed
1. Added a continuation to Christmas quest (available in Act 2 Chapters 1 and 2 New Plot after completing the first part)
2. Added a grid inventory option for better item management
3. Added an additional cheat menu to Sonya's interface
4. The last page in screenshots menu is now scrollable, which allows for more screenshots to be taken
5. It's now possible to quick save and load using F5 and F9 respectfully
6. Fixed a bunch of typos and bugs reported by you (thanks <3)
7. Is this... a bug?
1. Added new Halloween quest (available in act 2 chapters 1 and 2, new plot)
2. Added an option to activate Halloween decorations for Headmaster's office
3. Added faculty dorms entrances
4. Added a photo album to store polaroid photos
5. Elf-maid can now sometimes appear in the Headmaster's office when a new day starts
6. Fixed the problems caused by transition from old plot to new plot
7. A bunch of other fixes and adjustments
8. Some of the beloved bugs went missing. Please let us know if you find them
1. Fixed swimsuits interactions in act 1 chapter 4 (old plot)
2. Fixed a crash when opening the stats journal page in old plot
3. Fixed a crash after entering the dorms and witnessing an event with a student
4. Fixed incorrect positioning for some characters during table events
5. Fixed numerous sporadic crashes during the gameplay caused by the transition to Python 3
6. Fixed crashes caused by incorrectly translated system variables in some of the community translations (the game will use English line if it encounters an incorrect translation, the line will need to be fixed in Weblate for it to work in the game)
7. You can now choose if Ginny's quest was completed before or not when starting chapters in Act 2 (new plot), thus unlocking her second scene
8. Adjusted the size and positioning for dialogue heads to make them more consistent
9. Fixed other Python 3 related crashes
10. Community translations were updated with the latest additions from Weblate
11. Lot's of other corrections and adjustments, including logic, typos and grammar (thanks to your reports and feedback <3)
12. Oops! Something went wrong... Please report this bug in our Discord!
1. Integrated Community translations into the game
2. Ported the game to Python 3 (Ren'Py 8+)
3. Updated some of the art for many characters to make them more unique
4. Fixed pause button placement on Android
5. Updated Sonya's leveling mechanic
6. Vampiress' quest can now be repeated if it was failed
7. Improved performance during several transitions (such as when a new day starts)
8. Nola now correctly blocks the door in chapter 3 (new plot)
9. Fixed interaction with perverted magazines in chapter 3 (new plot)
10. Text will now scroll in the dialogue window if it goes outside the frame
11. Added new backgrounds to the dressing room
12. Dialogue history is now accessible during the interactions at the table
13. Added two new polaroid photos
14. Added xray and drinking game to act 2 (new plot)
15. Fixed many bugs that caused the game to crash
16. Added Christmas and Halloween quests from act 1 to act 2, as well as other quests (new plot)
17. Added several new memories
18. Added icons next to the cursor for many objects when hovering over them
19. Added explanation about the difference between new and old plots
20. Added exit zone for Hagrid's Hut location
21. Numerous other fixes and adjustments based on your feedback and reports <3
22. At least three new bugs were added for each fixed one
0. All fixes added in 0.8.5B are also present in 0.9.1B
1. Fixed the bug in Minerva's office scene (Unforgettable Night)
2. Lots of other bug and typo fixes + adjustments
3. Added new art for the book interface
4. Added 1 (one) hidden bug
1. Expanded chapter 2 in act 2 with new side content
2. Added a new side quest with multiple sub-quests
3. Added three fullscreen events, two with main girls, one with a side character
4. Added Live2D animation for a certain scene at night near the lake
5. Removed consequent skip cap when sleeping without any activities
6. Added several costumes and other items to the dressing rooms
7. Added an ability to activate community translations (more on that @ our website)
8. Adjusted continue button functionality during scenes to be more player friendly
9. Numerous corrections and adjustments based on player feedback and reports (thanks!)
10. Long-awaited bugs were finally added to the game
0. All changes and fixes introduced in 0.8.4-beta update are also included in this version
1. Added a minigame during certain event involving Hagrid's Hut
2. Fixed bugs related to Hagrid's Hut and inability to continue the story
3. Bugs population has increased by ca. 10%
0. All changes and fixes introduced in 0.8.3-beta update are also included in this version
1. Added a continuation to the new story - chapter 2 in act 2
2. Added two new fullscreen scenes (available in new chapter)
3. Added a new location - Hagrid's Hut
4. Added 6 collectable photos. Get them all! (available in new chapter)
5. Added 3 new costumes for Sonya
6. Outdated bugs were successfully updated
1. Significantly improved stability and performance on Android 10/11 devices
2. The game can now be properly minimized on Android devices
3. Lots of bug and typo fixes + adjustments based on your feedback <3
4. Updated Ren'py to 7.5.0 (engine fixes)
5. Added support for community translations
6. No new bugs this time, sorry
1. Added game launcher (v1.0)
2. Updated Draco's and Snape's idle models
3. Updated Amelia's music theme
4. Fixed and updated office door keyhole parallax
5. Fixed overlapping Christmas decorations (hopefully for good this time)
6. Corrected numerous typos and grammatical errors
7. Fixed most annoying game crashes
8. Fixed support for Joiplay game manager
9. Added backwards compatibility for old bugs
1. Tweaked a couple of core settings to improve stability on Android devices
2. Several quality of life tweaks for game's interface on Android devices
3. Game should stutter less on other platforms as well
4. Saves can now be renamed in-game
5. Live2D can now be activated on any device, a warning will be shown if it might be unstable on the current device
6. Snape and Minerva will now automatically sit near the fireplace if there are no other options available
7. A bunch of tweaks and fixes based on players' feedback and reports <3
8. Absolutely no new bugs were added
9. After careful consideration, several new bugs were successfully implemented
0. Saves from 0.8.1-beta are compatible with this version
1. Enhanced Live2D animation engine to support more seamless transitions between movements
2. Fixed existing inconsistencies in Live2D engine to reduce flickering during scenes
3. Added "Sandbox" mode to Hermione's "Book of Runes" Live2D scene (available in the memories)
4. A bunch of cosmetic UI fixes and additions for different in-game mechanics
5. A couple of bug fixes across the game
6. Shown the new coder how to efficiently add game-breaking bugs
1. Added Live2D animation for Hermione's "Book of Runes" scene (old plot + memories)
2. Fixed "Mysterious Fan" quest in Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot)
3. Fixed appearance logic for the night creatures in the office
4. Updated art for Halloween events (Luna, Hermione, Susan)
5. Fixed a number of game breaking bugs in Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot)
6. Fixed triggers for Halloween events (they should start correctly now)
7. Fixed glitchy visuals when interacting with the keyhole in the office
8. Corrected a number of typos
9. Expanded functionality of Live2D engine in Ren'py to support future content
10. Improved bugs throughout the game
1. Added Halloween events for each of the main girls in Act 2 Chapter 1 (new plot)
2. Added new Halloween costumes for main girls
3. Added "Mysterious Fan" quest available starting from Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot)
4. Extended the polyjuice event in Act 2 Chapter 1 (new plot)
5. Added "Risky Student" quest starting from Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot)
6. Added Daphne encounter in Abandoned wing (new plot)
7. Added hidden quest *~E■ORR▣⚬ in Act 1 Chapter 3 (new plot)
8. Added random creatures that can appear during the night before sleeping (new plot)
9. Added a couple of new achievements
10. Added and updated several music tracks
11. Various small fixes and adjustments here and there (new plot)
12. Optimized existing bugs and added several new ones
1. The hat is now present in act 2 after finishing act 1 in new plot
2. Fixed interactions with the elf
3. Added pixies cage memory
4. Added bonus event after completing Susan's part in act 1 chapter 3, or if she's waifu in act 2 chapter 1 (new plot)
5. Fixed several bugs that were introduced in act 1 (new plot) that were breaking some of the events in new plot
6. All of the fixes from version 0.7.3B are included in 0.8.1A
7. Carefully hid some of the bugs for you to find and enjoy
1. Adjusted the story in the prologue and act 1 chapters up to chapter 3
2. Added a fullscreen scene in chapter 3
3. Added several spicy side quests available in chapter 2 and 3
4. Added a teaser for one of the new characters
5. Added a new system for buying and selling items (it will be actively used in future chapter 4 and 5)
6. Added a scene involving two Slytherin girls in act 2 chapter 1 (new plot)
7. Added two new music tracks
8. Added dressing room for Nola
9. A number of polishing and QA adjustments and fixes based on your feedback <3
10. This version includes all the additions and fixes from 0.7.2-beta
11. We heard you like bugs, so we put more bugs in our bugs so you can enjoy bugs while playing with bugs
1. Fixed the crash after apparating outside the office
2. Fixed the scene between two girls in the end of act 2 in new plot
3. Added a prompt before summoning the prefect in act 2 (new plot) if there are side quests still available and the final stage of main quest is active at the same time
4. Fixed a number of typos and grammatical errors in both ENG and RUS versions
5. Fixed the activation process of the unlock file on MAC and Linux
6. Various minor adjustments and fixes
7. Carefully hid some of the bugs for you to find and enjoy
1. Updated saving system internals to make saving much faster
2. Added the ability to change the opacity of the dialogue window
3. Boosted saves and persistent files manipulations replaced with a more convenient system
4. Fixed game crash during bedroom random encounters
5. Updated Irma Pince minion
6. Updated Forest Girl minion
7. Added Wiki button
8. Added a bunch of memory scenes
9. Added background minions in the library
10. Added the ability to change the background in dressing rooms
11. Added new items to the changing rooms
12. Many smaller fixes and adjustments based on your reports (thanks!)
13. Bugs.
1. Adjusted the final scene during "Sex education" side-quest
2. Fixed the interactions with the phoenix in new plot (only available if your waifu is not Hermione)
3. Major scenes from new side-quests were added to the memories
4. Added back pose to the dressing room for eligible characters
5. Fixed the transition between old and new plot
6. Stats can now be raised in new plot
7. Slightly updated the rewards for successful stats-check in "Sex education" side-quest
8. Added a notification before starting the final stage of the main quest in new plot with the option to finish the remaining side-quests first
9. Persistent data now saves during daily auto-save (this should prevent the loss of memories/achievements if the game was closed unexpectedly)
10. Fixed a number of typos and grammatical errors (mostly in new plot)
11. Other fixes and adjustments
12. As always, new bugs were added (they can't wait to meet you!)
0. (Most of the new content is available in the new story)
1. Added four side quests with juicy rewards
2. Added a fullscreen scene with one of the main girls
3. Added new uniform for the main girls
4. Restored unofficial meetings with main girls
5. Added random encounters in the corridor
6. Added new minions in bedrooms for the last stage of the main quest
7. Updated x-ray acquisition and functionality in new plot
8. Slightly updated the new plot scene with Minerva
9. Added 7 new music tracks
10. Fixed a number of annoying bugs (thanks for the reports!)
11. Added a number of QoL improvements
12. Added new bugs in accordance with multiple requests
1. Fixed entry to Live2D scenes in showers and added to memories
2. Fixed the error caused by sending letters in some chapters
3. Fixed Marcus floating in the cabinet after a certain event
4. Fixed game crashing after the age check on some Android devices
5. Fixed numerous visual glitches and bugs in the new chapter
6. Fixed music and sound glitches in the new chapter
7. Polished the new chapter to make the gameplay smoother overall
8. Updated alchemy minigame interface
9. Added undressed state for Andromeda's portrait in the new chapter
10. Minerva's encounter in new chapter can now be replayed via memories
11. Fixed other bugs and glitches, and added new ones for you to enjoy <3
1. Added the first chapter of the updated plot
2. Integrated Live2D Susan's scene into the game (no need for additional animations file anymore)
3. Integrated Live2D showers scene into the game
4. Added alternative scene with Minerva
5. Partly updated Helena's and Minerva's idles
6. Added a bunch of new and updated sexy minions
7. Added several new locations
8. Added three plot-related interactive events
9. Introduced several new characters for future events
10. Reworked and updated some of the core game's mechanics based on the feedback
11. Added three new music tracks
12. Updated preferences screen to make it more user-friendly
13. Updated saving system and added new ESC menu
14. Updated interfaces throughout the game
15. A bunch of other fixes and adjustments based on the feedback
16. Bugs, bugs, bugs!
1. Fixed animations being stuck in certain situations (special thanks to those who helped with the debug)
2. Fixed an exception with transferring persistent data from a very old version
3. Fixed several notification and goals issues
4. Other minor fixes and adjustments
1. Fixed a rare crash during transition to the next day
2. Fixed incorrect swimsuit demonstration in act 1 chapter 4
3. Fixed incorrect speaker portrait during Cho Chang encounter in act 1 chapter 4
4. Other minor fixes and adjustments
1. Updated Daphne's animation in main menu to Live2D version
2. Fixed several critical problems with Sonya's leveling
3. Fixed animations being stuck in certain situations
4. Other fixes and bugs
1. Hermione's background animation in main menu was updated to Live2D
2. Fixed errors with saving/transferring game progress
3. Fixed a bug caused by sending letters to multiple recipients
4. A bunch of fixes and adjustments based on the players' feedback (Thanks!)
5. Updated old bugs and added several new ones
1. Fixed the Book of Runes event
2. Fixed incorrect/missing translations
3. Fixed the Wheel of Fortune (WoF) event
4. Added slightly different endings for the WoF event based on the difficulty
5. Random bedroom encounters should be reachable now
6. Further updated the drinking minigame interface
7. Fixed Xandria interactions in Act 2 Chapter 2
8. Adjusted the difficulty/time-to-finish of some of the minigames
9. Added the option to use old music from the previous versions
10. Fixed problems with saving/transferring the progress
11. Other fixes and adjustments
12. New bugs
1. Added introductory CG scene with Hermione
2. Added new Hermione's minigame
3. Added new tutoring scenes for Daphne and Susan
4. Added second date scenes
5. Reworked drinking game interface to make it more user-friendly
6. Added introductory scenes with Xandria
7. Added Christmas event with tasty rewards
8. Updated and added several new music tracks
9. Hermione's interactions with phoenix received additional art
10. Added new costume for Sonya
11. Added unlockable journal notes for Daphne's and Luna's minigames
12. Added random bedroom encounters. Who knows who you can meet there ;)
13. Added casual dialogues option when drinking with Minerva
14. Slightly increased the quality of the art in the main office
15. Added easier version for the statue minigame in Act 1
16. Added new memories
17. Updated the game's engine to version 7.4.0 (better performance)
18. Other bugfixes and adjustments
19. Added new bugs
1. Made it possible to transfer some of the progress between versions (includes memories, Sonya, achievements, dressing rooms, as well as game preferences and screenshots). This functionality should work starting from this version.
2. Added introductory dating scenes with main girls.
3. Added bonus shower scenes for Daphne and Luna.
4. Sonya and achievements are now global and their progress is shared between different playthroughs.
5. A ton of fixes of numerous bugs throughout the whole game.
6. A new interactive statue mini-game was added to Act 1 Chapter 3.
7. Added proper hinting arrows to the early chapters of Act 1.
8. Reworked and updated Hagrid interactions in Act 2.
9. Act 2 Chapter 1 has different flow of events now.
10. Many events in Act 2 Chapter 1 were polished or changed.
11. Act 2 Chapter 1 can be finished now.
12. The quest journal received an additional hinting functionality.
13. The quest journal received a cosmetic overhaul.
14. Numerous hints were added to the quests throughout the game via hinting in the quest journal.
15. Added a warning message to the events that are not yet finished.
16. The message about new version of the game should now work correctly.
1. Fixed drinking game bug where you could lock yourself out
2. Fixed Chapter 4 passage issues
3. Fixed Luna indentation error
4. Fixed Hermione skirt bug
5. Fixed bug with new scene staying stuck on screen
6. Fixed Chuglerita being broken
7. Fixed skip menu options
8. Fixed Susan in Chapter 4, being broken upon insulting her
9. Fixed unclear and broken goals in Act 2, Chapter 1
10. Many other smaller fixes (thank you all for your reports!)
11. Added new bugs
1. Complete edit of chapters through chapter 4, text and flow
2. Added hinting arrow system that guides you through clicking, only works up to chapter 2
3. Added ambient sounds, that happen when you open the window or doors, or change location
4. Added continuance of drinking game
5. Added test functionality of minigame with Hermione (not yet complete)
6. Added new Susan minigame, with rewards
7. Updated objectives as things changed in game
8. Added small rewards for choices in chapter 2
9. Added scene with the thief capturing him stealing clothes (cutscene)
10. Added more main plot to Act2 Chapter 1
11. Added additional scenes, that were missing art
12. Added spying on girls prior to dating scene in chapter 4
13. Added dating scene in chapter 4
14. Swimsuit quest is simpler and easy to follow, ripped out a lot of redundant text from chapter 4
15. You now pick a Waifu at the beginning of that chapter and only solve/read papers of one girl
16. Added sound functions to support random sounds (not in use atm)
17. Added function to enable fining Marcus for bad actions
18. Built scripts to swap out translations as we will be redoing the engine completely in the future, so we had to do this to support it
19. And last, but not least, a new scene with one of the girls, finish Act2 Chapter goals, and you will see the steps required for it in your goals, once you are on the right track.
0. Slightly changed the naming for versions (0.6A = 0.6-alpha, 0.6B = 0.6-beta, etc).
1. Both main menu screens are now animated.
2. Susan's tutoring scene is now animated.
3. Animations for another scene are in the works.
4. Added new background for memories.
5. Fixed most of the reported bugs (thank you for the reports!).
6. New bugs are there too, waiting for you ;)
1. Fixed most of the critical bugs that were reported to us by the players (you're the best <3)
2. Probably added a couple of bugs as a result
1. Dark path in chapter 5 is now passable!
2. Continuation of Luna's scene
3. Additional scenes for dark path added
4. Miniskirts quest line, you can get 2 shorter skirts on the main girls now (more later)
5. This will allow you to buy new things from an old friend
6. Dressing room added
7. Peeking on the girls in the shower introduced (minimum functionality)
8. Quest to introduce drinking game added
9. Drinking game itself added (preliminary, basic functionality) to make money
10. Sexecution catalogue and market introduced
11. Dark path special scenes with Susan for tutoring
12. Dark path scene with Hermione
13. Manipulation/Fervor mini-game added
14. Continuation of Diadem quest line added
15. Combining and breaking apart of items mechanic
16. Special scene with Daphne introduced
17. Easter egg with portraits is in game
18. Portraits now have random texts
19. Haggling with Filch mechanic added
20. Chapter 4 was slightly overhauled (updated with goals + fixed bugs + more streamlined now)
21. Added an option to change the speed of scenes/events (can be accessed via the "Advanced" tab in preferences)
22. Ability to save screenshots into the in-game gallery (can be accessed by hiding the interface via the button in the dialogue window, or by pressing "H")
23. Bunch of different QoL fixes and additions for interface and translations
1. Fixed a bunch of critical bugs
2. Fixed other non-critical bugs
3. Changed the version of the game (saves made in 0.5B won't work)
1.Act 2 begins! (there are several additions in act 1 chapter 5 as well)
2.New scene with main girl (these scenes are on light path for now)
3.Dark path can now allow you to suspend Hermione and Daphne as well
4.Drinking scene bonus for Hermione and Daphne added
5.Art added for Hermione and Susan interactions with Marcus tutoring
6.Added Christmas decorations for Marcus' office! (better late than never)
7.Updated idles for Nola and Ginny
8.Ginny's scene was updated
9.Changing room added (WIP, only Daphne is partially added at the moment)
10.New commissar scenes with all girls
11.New random interactions with portraits (WIP, may be broken in pre-release)
12.Dark path continues up to our next minigame which is still WIP (sorry)
13.Memories were added for all girls
14.Changes to Daphne Bathwater event
15.Many quality of life improvements and additions
16.Fixed a multitude of bugs
17.Added new bugs
1.Added new manipulation abilities (both dark and light).
2.Added plot, ability to wear diadem.
3.Added lock mechanism (requirement for sex scenes).
4.Added new scene with a main girl!
5.Many requirements for said scene.
6.Redesigned the screen that pops up when error happens to be more user-friendly.
7.Added a way to get more memory fragments for Sonya (can be accessed via her menu).
8.Added early stages of tutoring, light path is fleshed out partially, for 1 girl.
9.Dark path is not complete yet.
10.Added memories, you can replay scenes (around 80% of them at the moment). Some of them have additional bonus content.
11.Added poses for manipulation scenes for future releases.
12.Increased the amount of galleons which Marcus can get (advance the plot to unlock this).
13.Fixed bugs.
14.Added bugs.
15.Started working on the next scene with one of the main girls!
Bug fixes:
Susan outfit fixed
Daphne Minigame outfit fixed
Luna wrong day of week pills fixed
Critical errors with objectives being triggered in Chapter 4
Made hermione Minigame easier (cheat button after concede)
Fixed critical error with the Wand quest
Fixed a few typos
Fixed shuffle bug with hermi minigame
Remove luna and susan minigames once they are suspended
Timer issue in QTE fixed
Fixed Sonya issue where you couldn't change her settings
Fixed diary calls, would only show Daphne's after you solved them all
Fixed quick buttons disappearing during exposure scenes
Fixed issue with Automove Forward buttons
1.Main plot advances:
Diadem Quest
Helena Followup
Breaking IMVOIS Quest
Coercing the girls to break IMVOIS
Start to get the girls drunk
2.Dark and Light paths, the game will now diverge based on your choices:
Become a permanent member of Hogwarts
Follow the path of light, find the girls diaries
Follow the path of dark, trick them into breaking IMVOIS
3.New Location, Office Bedroom
4.Additional Market opened up for dressing the girls in new outfits (only 2 new, currently)
5.Additional costume for Sonya
6.New Objective tracking in Journal, basically the walkthrough is in game chapter 5 only
7.Shorter skirts are now in game (you must follow the objective, can be missed)
8.Door Lock mechanic in game, not currently used, will be for future sex scenes
9.Chapter 5 can be done with 1 girl or all 4 concurrently
10.Moved Merlin to right side of hallway, he's very obvious now
11.Added Quests for each of the girls, both dark and light
12.Time turner location is now random on the ground and opacity changes based on perception
13.Quest to open up new market
14.Classroom scenes
15.Start of more authority over the girls, you will be able to practice medical stuff soon.
16.Added emotions for all of Chapter 5
17.Added person on day of summons to calendar display near clock
18.Bugs fixed
19.More bugs added!
20.Many many many more changes! (We can't remember them all)
Everything is ready to go for the next updates first sex scene with a main girl!
1.X-ray and Influence have level 2 now:
This means panties can be made transparent
Influence will bypass stat checks to level 10 now
2.The way dialogue is displayed has been completely overhauled internally
3.Other internal changes to the code and clean up
4.Many, many, many bugfixes
1.Fixed hallway dialogue background bug
2.Fixed daphne minigame bugs
3.Fixed ginny scene bugs
4.Removed splashscreen
5.Many bugfixes
6.Probably added some new
1.Added support for Android: this is our first release for android, please let us know how it works for you!
2.Added new location, second corridor, this will allow us further into the castle in the future.
3.Extended Susan's minigame and rewards
4.Updated Hermione in Chapter 4, completely overhauled most of the text for brevity, gave the player more control for skipping text with her
5.Updated the Ginny scene, it's now repeatable AND you can get her naked
6.Added new position for Marcus in text, corruption is coming, soon!
7.Additional scene with Minerva added, and a new outfit
8.Added many bug fixes
9.Created more bugs
1.Fixed display bug on layered images (this is what took the longest)
2.Made Ginny scene repeatable through summons
3.Enabled Influence for all things requiring stats
4.Updated tooltip for Influence, it will even hint when you use it for Ginny
5.Fixed other bugs, related to critical tracebacks
6.Time turner now works even when levels are capped
7.Ginny diary guesses now work in russian
8.Fixed many other bugs
9.Probably added a few more elsewhere.
1.Added new Ginny Quest line, with additional minigame, sexual scene (More will be added to the scene in 0.4a)
2.Converted the entire game internals to english as the native language, this will allow additional languages supported going forward and speed up development
3.Added peeking on all main girls.
4.Added additional main story progress on commissar positions with all 4 girls
5.Added a new mini-location (zoomed in office table), to allow new interactions with the girls
6.Redid every translation because we flipped the internal text.
7.Added many dependencies on stats
8.Adjusted stats to make the grind less-so (we hope)
9.Added additional easter-eggs with Ginny (you'll have to look for them)
10.Added emotions in many places where they are missing (still have much more to go)
11.Fixed Ginny to not be broken if you lose the key, you can get to it in chapter 5
12.Updated the abilities buttons layout and issues with beta buttons
13.As noted above, Diary for Ginny is now decryptable, you will have to play her mini-game first
14.Added logic to corral player to the right path in chapter 5
15.Added additional riddle questions for Nola
16.Added chapter 5 objectives (YAY!)
17.Made it so you can buy pills from Snape, removing the hard limit set
18.Added hinting for most menus (it tells you what the level requirement on the stat is)
19.Fixed many many bugs
20.Probably added just as many new ones!
1.Initial Stat leveling to level 1 takes 3 workouts
2.You can now work out any stat a max of 4 times a day
3.Fixed Luna quiz, all questions have correct answers
4.Fixed issue with fireplace going out after 2nd day of drinking
5.Fixed multiple issues with text and translations
6.Fixed Helena menu to be more clear when following up on spying
7.Added fix to account for Amelia Bones book, no duplication now
8.Market places now work properly (without any effect on game)
9.Fixed duplicated text with Amelia Bones
10.Change the way we account for chapter completion to better transition without bugs to Chapter 5
11.Address the curtain being left closed after students leave the office
12.Fixed floo powder duplication at start of Chapter 5
13.Fixed summoning bug for summoning beyond 21:00 in Chapter 5
14.Fixed issue with Daphne minigame and 2 different swimsuits having the same name
15.Corrected issues with Ginny not being able to be done in Chapter 5 (multiple crits)
16.Corrected Amelia menus to allow you to summon Susan now in Chapter 5 for her minigame
17.Fixed issue with the robe being over the swimsuits when it should be showing them in swimsuits
18.Checked crit with Daphne minigames summoning more than one time in a day
19.Fixed crit where None type was found on stats (initialized stats earlier)
20.Fixed critical errors with Ginny objectives causing criticals (tracebacks)
21.Added bugs we are unaware of
1.Relationship bars for all main girls (WIP, they will not provide additional content or checks atm)
2.Added Paths and abilities, you get 1 investment point, per level increase of each stat (check your journal to use)
3.Updated stats for Marcus, they were negatively being impacted(unintended effect).
4.Updated the effect of the time turner to negatively impact relationships with the girls
5.Implemented the X-Ray ability, you can now see through the girls tops, use before summoning (only works on the main 4 girls atm, it will have multiple levels of use in the future)
6.Introduction of Chapter 5, you will now enter the corruption phase and relationships here.
7.Nola door blocker has multiple ways to unlock access to the castle through stats (intellect is the easiest way out level 2)
8.Created open world experience where the player can navigate through out the castle and go to different parts, depending on time of day
9.Introduction to grading papers to make money (Chapter 5)
10.Ability to shop markets via the brochure, certain items increase relationship, others are negative (Chapter 5)
11.Summon girls for swimsuit of your choice (Chapter 5, waifu is easiest, can be used with X-Ray)
12.Updated the Important notes, it was a day off for people skipping text
13.Corrected grammar, and translations further
14.Made Hermione's minigame easier with the ability to give up
15.Updated Ginny path to be accessible from Chapter 5 as well, if not done in Chapter 4
16.Fixed waifu selection blocking Ginny
17.Added a lot of Sonya hinting for Daphne minigame
18.Fixed other bugs
19.Added bugs
0.3A hotfix
1.Fixed the critical error in Daphne's mini-game.
2.Found the lost translations in Daphne's and Hermione's mini-games.
3.Other smaller bug-fixes.
4.Added new bugs.
1.Reworked system for character display, now it is more flexible and allows to add more functions to it in the future. (Possible bugs)
2.Introduced characteristics, now they are actually being used.
3.Introduced time-turner for week-skip function. (early development function)
4.Added two new mini games for Daphne and Hermione, nice prizes included.
5.Added missing emotions.
6.Simplified waifu and swimsuit branches.
7.Edited English text. (courtesy MC Nietzche)
8.Edited Russian text. (Courtesy MrFrost2005)
9.Fixed many bugs in texts, code and visuals. (Courtesy of all of our players and supporters, that send us their reports)
10.Updated MC's diary.
11.Added new items for the inventory.
12.Added new bugs.
1.Continuation of waifu branches (for all the heroines)(10 new types of swimsuits!)
2.Finished the 4th chapter.
3.Added significant number of clothes for Sonya.
4.Added level mechanic for Sonya.
5.Added hints for the swimsuit quest.
6.Added a small quest for Filch access.
7.Added secondary objectives tracking in the journal.
8.Added continuation of Ginny.
9.Added a mini game in Ginny branch.
10.Continuation of the quest with Nola.
11.Rework of the body and clothes for Daphne.
12.Updates to the Luna dream branch.
13.Updated first encounter with Helena.
14.Added new achievements.
15.Added Hagrid encounter.
16.Added emotions for Helena and Auriel.
17.Mistakes fixed in dead end for swimsuits.
18.Bugs fixed.
19.Another pile of smaller polishing touches.
20.Bugs added.
21.Further text editing.
1.Fixed the critical bug with the broom, that locked players out of the significant portion of the game.
2.Fixed the bug after resolving problems in the prefects' branch.
3.Fixed numerous small bugs with the wrong layering on the screens.
4.Additional editing of Russian and English texts.
5.Increased optimisation of the game.
6.Dealt with some of the logical mistakes in the walkthrough.
7.Improved hat interface.
8.Other smaller bugs.
1.Added a new school wing. Let's hope you remember how to get out of the window...
2.Added a new special location. Just added, not much to it, let's hope you remember how to throw potions out of the window.
3.Helena has been completely reworked. Also changed the way you get Daphne's address and other interactions.
4.The whole mess with papers has been reworked. It is now shorter and has variety to it. And a proper end too.
5.Minerva can now be summoned in unofficial capacity.
6.Prefects' meeting branch can now be finished.
7.Added a small event, now with Luna.
8.Introduced a secret character. First meeting will be easy, second - not so much.
9.Introduced a mechanic for the dorms to work with the prefects' branch, you will have to figure that one out.
10.“All the bugs that are there for you to catch”
1.Reworked inventory system and item usage. Now active-zones react when you hover items over them. While wardrobe remembers positions you dragged the items to.
2.Tutor-guide has been added to the game that will hint toward further plot development. Added an instruction to Sonya in your first meeting.
3.Update interface for character interaction and reworked option order. All-in-all the whole system has been tidied up. Hopefully, there will be little to no bugs.
4.Added the keyhole location and the option to look through it.
5.On the Sonya level-page, added level tracking meter. It will indicate how many and how far you are from unlocking cautious options.
6.From the depths of development we are bringing a small event with Susan. Just to give you a tease what will come, in the future this event will be moved further ahead in the story.
7.Additional interaction with Hermione, while she interacts with Phoenix. Don't skip over it.
8.Edited a number of dialogues with Minerva and Snape.
9.Bugfixes, bugfixes, bugfixes, so many bugs to fix.
10.“Bugs that are there to check how perceptive you are.”
1.Added carried dialogue for Sonya when using the wardrobe mode.
2.Changed the visuals of tutorial screens.
3.Pages with information aren't separate pages anymore, but scrollable lists with anchoring buttons.
4.Added special look for Sonya. (With help from TenchiMuyo1984)
5.Even more music and sound effects have been added.
6.Squashed many bugs.
1.Due to the extensive changes in the code of the game, we came to the point where Ren'Py cannot properly handle the traditional rollback function (wheel scrolling) without causing tons of errors and conflicts. As such, the rollback function has been completely removed and you won't be able to activate it even with the console. We are too tired of looking for non-existing bugs from people who have rolled back half of the game and unwilling to admit that.
2.Old saves will now be hardlocked form being used, game mechanics change too much between patches, breaking the old saves, and we are too tired of looking for bugs popping out because of the usage of old saves and people not willing to admit that the used the old save when encountered said bugs.
3.Luna and Susan branches are now caught up to Hermione and Daphne, meaning you can fly to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff towers will all the bonuses you expect.
4.All active windows are now much smoother in their appearance, no more flickering or chugged appearances.
5.Further expansion of tutorial mechanic. For the moment, there is not a lot of clothes available for Sonya and increasing her level is temporarily locked, but the existing clothes have received levels and will be waiting for rebalance in information points, so as soon as we decide to green-light the mechanic, player will be able to customise his assistant.
6.Added an introduction dialogue for Sonya, it will be a subject to change as we continue to add information to the assistant.
7.In-game assistant will now unlock additional information as you go through the game and not give it all straight from the beginning.
8.Multiple fixes and other small improvements to the game.
1.Added 7 achievements, for now in test mode, just to see how they will be received and what should be changed.
2.Introducing Sonya - in-game guide. For now just some barebones things, further additions in future versions.
3.Added unfinished changing room for Sonya, that allow for limited customisability of our cute assistant.
4.Removed BORD(URDD).
5.Various small fixes and edits.
6.Added emotions to the dialogues in the 3rd chapter.
1.First, we have changed the game's chronology. From this point own first act is “prologue”, and second and third are united into the “first act” and will be separated in chapters. With that we will also shift from numerous acts system and stay with traditional three act one.
2.Added sensible mark points to indicate acts and chapters, making the overall process more definitive.
3.Don't rush through the prologue. We have added a special surprise to it, previously we have called it “overtime”. Or, if we were to put it simply we give our protagonist an opportunity to seize a chance of a lifetime or rather a chance of his memory revival. With that you will see how we plan to make such scenes in our game, we are waiting for your reviews.
4.From this point on, Minerva got a facelift, and it may be worth your time to take certain chances you weren't comfortable taking before. Check up on her in the showers.
5.For those of you who were interested in Helena Ravenclaw, try exploring the prefects' meeting branch with her.
6.We have added a number of miniatures to different locations. While it is a part of overall development, at least one of them will introduce a very famous character. Who know what we will see of that character in the future...
7.Also, some work has been done on all the miniatures, as so they don't flicker as much.
8.We have also worked on the interface. Some windows were changed in order to improve their functionality.
9.We continue to add to our music and sounds. A significant amount of progress has been achieved, but there are still things to do.
10.Further editing of both: Russian and English versions of the text. From the testers' reviews both have improved.
11.We continue our work on adding emotions to our characters. For the moment we have finished with the major parts of the fourth chapter.
12.We have managed to solve the issue of the right-click on the owl. From this point on (and until the next patch) you will be able to get money with simple left-click. In the future we will return the tutorial system to the game, which we had to remove for now, as we didn't have enough time to implement it properly. And then we will return to the usage of the right-click to the interactions with our game. And right-click will be used to open many letters, by clicking on the owl.
13.Other smaller fixes, which are too numerous to list here.
1.We have fully reworked the image engine for idles. Now the should flicker during the change.
2.Finished with another batch of emotions. Now they are available until the end of the second act.
3.Integrated many sounds for different parts of the game.
5.Many fixes for the bugs encountered in previous version and many other small changes.
1.URDD(BORD) is back in the game. There were little to no changes made to it, meaning that some of the dialogues will be actively re-written as they don't exactly fit with our current vision for the characters.
2.Added an additional alternative URDD(BORD) branch.
3.New additional branch of “Prefects' meetings”.
4.Added an additional option of seeing girls (only two for now) in their “prefects' meetings” branch.
5.You can now go out of the window. Meet a new character and get a new broom.
6.Calendar and schedule added. You can see them in watch screen.
7.You now get a weekly 50 coins stipend. Make sure to check your owl weekly.
8.Option of skipping text with the mouse wheel down.
9.Option of reading past dialogues with mouse wheel up.
10.Updated curtain menu, added a few options.
11.You can now skip time by pressing with RMB on the watch.
12.Added a new option of skipping until next choice by holding the skip button for 2 seconds.
13.You can skip the first two acts now.
14.You can also turn on the rollback function.
15.You also have constant access to the save function now (Shift+S, Shift+L).
16.Window is now unlocked.
17.Removed the bug that caused Hermione not coming to the office to revive the phoenix.
18.Fixed numerous other smaller bugs of the previous version.
19.Added emotions to the first act.
20.Mermaid has her head back.
21.Added multiple new sounds to the game.
22.Light editing of the text.
23.Finished work with the art for Helena Ravenclaw. Which also called for text rework, which also has been done.
24.Portrait is now a physical object in your office.
25.Game has been updated to use RenPy 6.99.14.
1.Rewritten game engine.
2.All art used is now our own original art.
3. 16 hour clock (new day system).
4. New character summon system via letters.
5. Inventory.
6. Item usage from the inventory.
7.Rewritten 1st and 2nd acts.
8.Rewritten beginning of the 3rd act.
1.Added 3rd act.
1.Added 2nd act.
2.Solved problems with sluggish graphics.
3.Recovered the ability to assemble Android version.
1.First release - teaser(prologue).
Add new comment
how i download?
Good one
good one
its a slow start but damn is it worth it
I'm stuck with the swimsuits, which day do I need to visit which dorm to get the swimsuits from the cords?
Did anyone ever figure it out because I'm stuck there too
where do i find the atomizer?
How do I get past the Daphne sex scene? I don't mind it mind you but it freezes when you com inside her and she never gets off, pun intended.
update 0.6final is out
where can i talk to Flitwick ?
ravenclaw dorm on saturday
Thanks man
Saving is bugged
Iys good but hard to make
but is it good?
0.5a is out
new update 0.5a
The PC download link doesn't work
There is new update, 0.4F
There is a new version 0.4.1F
There is a new version 0.2F
There is a new update from 0.2F to 0.3.1B