Actually this is fine, an idiot with no sexual experience has premature ejaculation, fortunately, he accepts that his friend has a dominant role and fucks his ass...
It's not so bad, for you whiny virgins, no, it's not realistic to have the "sex of your life" the first time, practice makes perfect, idiot.
I was expecting something with the girl but yeah... At least isn't a guy with a guy, but still gross, pegging is fucking weird. But isn't worse than the Stolas and Blitzo R34, i cried with pain when i saw that.
Well if my crush told me to suck it up or leave and never come back, and then pulled out a pink dildo. I would definitely take up on her offer to leaving. "Fucka no I ain't taking that in the ass!"
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hes actually adorable tbh
Start again!
This is peak shit... jk nothing good ever came out of my little pony... and this is no exception
what if raven team leader had a built in emote
I don't care what people say.
I read this comic for the comedic story.
Great animation and little short gags.
Few puns but nothing serious.
I hate myself...
Dunno why people click on a comic, read it then whine like a bitch about it in the comments. Loved the story and art tbh
Actually this is fine, an idiot with no sexual experience has premature ejaculation, fortunately, he accepts that his friend has a dominant role and fucks his ass...
It's not so bad, for you whiny virgins, no, it's not realistic to have the "sex of your life" the first time, practice makes perfect, idiot.
panel 20 all i have to say
Garbage comic but that clown was peak comedy
This gave a cumming too early punishment a role worst than death
See this is on the straight part of the site witch means taking a dildo up the ass and sucking dick isn't gay
this is awesome! -the first two pages are hard to read cause they were only really two frames- BUT THIS IS AWESOME!
iTs w e l l
a n i m a t e d - w -
nice art though
Awesome, except it takes 3x longer to load
My eyes were hurting on the first two pages because I couldn't tell if it was moving or not
Well if my crush told me to suck it up or leave and never come back, and then pulled out a pink dildo. I would definitely take up on her offer to leaving. "Fucka no I ain't taking that in the ass!"
Same. Fuck ass-play I'mmout
And that's why you're alone.
Nah hes straight theres a difference
I love that animated comic porns there awesome
this is fucking shit
I like the eanding