
Year: 2017
Censorship: No
Developer/Publisher: Enjoy Games & 7DOTS / Dagestan Technology
Platform: Windows
Version: v1.0
Language: English/Russian
System requirements:
CPU: Athlon / Pentium 200 MHz
RAM: 512 MB
VRAM: 128 MB
DirextX: 8.1
HDD: 276 MB
You are young and smart but your thick-lensed glasses make you a persona non-grata at the feast of life. Nonetheless, an unexpected chance turns up for you to become a man. The only thing is, during sex you find out that having it teleports you to other worlds... which you’ll have to save from global disasters and catastrophes. But for a start I should try to return home. How? The same way I got here – find a girl and try not to fall in love with her. Because if I do this thing right I will probably never see her again...
Language can be switched in settings
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this is a gooooood game
I think I have the SFW edition, how do I get the NSFW Version?
go to the gallery, pres tab end vrite iddqd